Questions from an AMP beginner

I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum (I looked around, I promise!), so if that's the case please point me in the right direction.

So, I made my first visit to an AMP today, though I'm not sure if it's a fun one (HE) or is was not, but I'm not sure if I didn't do something right or what. I'll just lay out the details, and maybe someone can enlighten me?

* It's an AMP in a strip center, I checked all of the Austin AMP encounters but didn't see it mentioned, though it hasn't been there too terribly long (2 years?). I can give the location if it matters.
* When I entered, the lady asked if I had called, and when I told her no, she showed me a menu. I didn't catch everything it had but it had options for foot, back only, legs only, 60m & 90m full body. I chose 60m in case it was unpleasurable.
* Masseuse had somewhat of a mom bod, but wasn't unattractive. Wasn't dressed seductively.
* I was led to a private room with curtain, that had a normal setup for a massage parlor. She left me to undress and get under the towel.
* Only conversation was "You ready?", "Turn over please", and "Ok finished".

The overall experience was pretty normal (legit massage room, legit massage, etc). So all of that makes it sound like just a massage parlor. However, and I haven't had a ton of massages, but this was by far the most touchy-feely and intimate massage I've had.

A few things that make me think twice:

* Their Google maps listing has tons of face pics of Chinese models (never seen a normal place do this).
* When I was face down and she was at the head of the table, massaging my bare butt/back, she was straddling my head and I could feel her legs on either side of my head.
* When she draped my arms off the side of the table, she would straddle them also, with my elbow being right in her cooch... but she wasn't like grinding on it or anything.
* When she massaged by legs, she went really far up my inner thigh and a couple times she'd just barely graze my privates.
* When she massaged my arms, each time I found my hand basically cupping one of her breasts for a brief moment.

After it finished, I went to the front and paid $50 + $30 tip. And that's it.

So it was a lot of mildly sexually suggestive behaviors, and I don't know if there's any AMP's that are somewhere in the middle of legit and full HE, but that's what it felt like here, or if I just didn't do something right.

Like with the hand on the breast thing, I didn't know if I should have started fondling her? I'm used to strip clubs where the general rule is "they touch you but you don't get to touch them", so that's what I was doing. Is that good or bad?

I feel like the "Did you call?" might the tell, e.g. walk-ins are treated normally while their girls drum up direct business for the full-service side. But what do I know...

Can anyone help me decipher this? Many thanks for reading.
EagleEye's Avatar
In my experience, there is a bit of an unspoken protocol in AMPs where there is more available than a simply therapeutic rub. Some "tells" in my experience:
- if draping is optional, is a good sign that an HE is available
- if she makes physical contact with her body against yours (e.g., straddling your head)
- some teasing of your boys or taint

- after the flip, if she goes for your upper chest and doesn't linger around your groin area, that doesn't bode well for any extras.

Your well written experience indicated to me that her straddling actions was her gambit. Of course, she doesn't know you from Adam (or LE), so she was likely waiting for a response from you, such as rubbing her legs, ass or cooch as they came into contact with you. When I start to touch them I always ask if it's ok, even with those that I have seen before. If she says yes, it is usually game on. Also, reacting positively (a low moan or ah, lifting your hips) when she brushes against your nether regions is telling her you want her to continue the tease.

Give another AMP a shot. Do some research checking out the reviews, so you are at least partially informed as to what is available at a given AMP. I always call first to set an appointment. I do not like the throne of shame waiting in the lobby while mongers come and go. I also always tell them, if asked, that I have visited them before.

As an aside, $30 is a lot of tip for a purely therapeutic massage. HEs are usually $40-60 tip.

Good luck!
To both of you, well put and , for the latter, my sentiments also. BTW Handellum, would you please PM me the name of the place you went. I will try it out this weekend and report back to you. TIA
Your well written experience indicated to me that her straddling actions was her gambit. Of course, she doesn't know you from Adam (or LE), so she was likely waiting for a response from you, such as rubbing her legs, ass or cooch as they came into contact with you. Originally Posted by EagleEye
That's along the lines of what I was thinking. Also, after posting, I did some more reading and someone brought up that since that was my 1st visit, they probably played it safe since they don't trust me yet, and if I return and they recognize me then things should escalate.

As an aside, $30 is a lot of tip for a purely therapeutic massage. HEs are usually $40-60 tip. Originally Posted by EagleEye
I always like to err on the side of over-tipping instead of under, but the main reason here is that just a few weeks ago I had a 'real' massage from some bohemian hippy chick and was charged $90/60m (which is par for the course), and I tipped around $20-25 for that. This AMP massage was not only better, but also only $50/60m. The AMP lady earned every dollar she got!

Thanks for the advice!
To both of you, well put and , for the latter, my sentiments also. BTW Handellum, would you please PM me the name of the place you went. I will try it out this weekend and report back to you. TIA Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Sent, now I wait