Guess what day is it!!

taggert's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm if each Upset NY gal would send me a taint pic.
I would gladly set up a "hump day hottie" threAD in ML.
each hump day post one. mmmmmm please send many taint pic's please.
So as not ta run out of pic's ta pick from.

nita send me a taint. you should be first just sayin
i taint neva heard of sucha ting sir! i taint got any pics yabin tainten bout..
offshoredrilling's Avatar
hump day hottie ml threAD would need pic's

mmmmm I should give up....... naaaaaaaaaa!!!!

in the spirit of Question for photographers in upstate thread.

I would gladly take one for ya for free

Taint that sweet of me

[PRIVATE] bet answer is still way in hell[PRIVATE]

errrr I never heard of a gal being ID'ed by taint

[PRIVATE] will be the answer, hay ya can't kill a guy for tryin [PRIVATE]

[PRIVATE]Hell ta pay yes [PRIVATE]

I bet yours is hot from your working out
edit add:
think of the ad value, and of guys that would want ta hump ya hump day afternoon from seeing your taint hump day morning. As I be sure your taint is as hot as your cleavage. They will line up I got ta see her in person.
[PRIVATE]errrr she knows me to well, but tried charm anyways LOL[PRIVATE]
[PRIVATE]as she is a sweet lady, errr till ya cross her. then sweet again. she will be a lady to the end and give me a NO, any bets?[PRIVATE]
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 07-03-2013, 12:59 PM
pyramider's Avatar
I was willing to bet it was National Taint Appreciation Day.
The Drummer's Avatar
hahahahahahah ya'll r nutts!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Not nutts ... just tainted.
Originally Posted by Tiger
Now that second picture is down right yummy!!! I done forgot it was HUMP DAY....