Changing shifts worked

offshoredrilling's Avatar
When you ask or forced (in my case) to change the hours you work, how long dose it take to adjust to the new hours?

I now have ta wake up when for a long time now I would be going to bed. Now I have ta get up about 3 am. Have been going too bed too sleep(being SHMB ya have to say to get some sleep rather than play LOL). So far this week, I can not fall asleep for any good length of time. And not at all when I need to so can function at work.

The real bummer before I was on a night shift, and fit right in with when I like ta play, or do odd jobs on the weekend(odd jobs was also done weekdays as it was fun on time, and did not compete with others doing same). So no adjustment had to be made on Sunday when Monday came rolling round.

So far its been a killer for me two days in. Got sick at work and sent home. Sleepy now. but if I sleep now, I will not be able to sleep later and be able to function in the morning yet again. Monday was ruff, yet got er done.

edit add: when I was younger it was much easier. Now its a wtf.
I'm a night owl not willingly being made a weekday early bird. LOL
the oblunder (the destroyer) economy in full swing

think he refers to this as the home run...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Well the shift change was for a down size. Laid off many so remove 1 of three shifts ta go from two few on each shift ta to many. Then pray work comes back so as to not to lay off even more.

Current numbers of workers still to high for what work there is. So holding on to some of us at the place in hope work comes back. Not a warm and fussy feeling.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I've been working the night shift a long time now. My sleep time is completely screwed up. Don't think I could ever go back to working a day shift.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
well that is what I trying. After 5 years on night shift. The day shift seems like a killer to me now. From the nurse's I got a hint they having problems with many from 2nd now on 1st or 3rd as they killed 2nd.

right now just tryin ta stay up. And hope to crash ta sleep when time.

I found night was easy ta get use to.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
errr going ta try and crash now.
latter all. a lot latter I hope.
tigerjedi69's Avatar
I was in the Navy fo 20 years and almost always on shift work. I would suggest that when you are tired, hit your bed, just make sure you have a good alarm clock.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Yeah its my 3 day weekend, mmmm but I too dam sleepy to enjoy it. If I get use to this it is a extra night ta play
ive been on a sort of emergency on call on and off throughout my working years at various times

id just be hitting the bed and the phones ringing

so that first 24 without sleep comes 12 hours

then go at work for a couple days straight,, alot of it is trying to not let yourself talk yourself into thinking its too much to handle
you can psyche yourself into it or just as easily out of it
pyramider's Avatar
Takes me about 2 minutes and then lights out.