Trump fakes fake Time magazine covers.

It appears his bullshit didn't start when he ran for office.
But hey...we already knew that.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Russians are up to their old tricks again!!!

There needs to be another investigation ... now the Russians are interfering with the 1st amendment by publishing fake covers!!!! How diabolical!!!!
I am sure there is a story behind it. Even if you hate Trump, he is a very smart man. Plenty of people read Time and would have known it was fake.
LexusLover's Avatar
Even if you hate Trump, he is a very smart man. Originally Posted by tonyvicksa
That's one reason "they" hate him ... Another one ....

.. he's successful .... another one ... he's rich!

Did I mention his hot wife?

The icing is when he beat the shit out of the Clintons!!!!

In the past few weeks he's started gaining momentum ... the train is about to leave the station ... and the caboose is not a good ride. CNN is discovering that daily.
bamscram's Avatar
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Somebody needs to launch an investigation!!!!!
We cannot abide by a prank Time mag cover! Impeach him now!!!!
Don't know which is funnier: the Pelosi cover or "A Indian" .

Ekim crying over Hillary's lose Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
bambino's Avatar

It appears his bullshit didn't start when he ran for office.
But hey...we already knew that. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Your daddy should have flushed you down the toilet at the hospital. What a dumb fuck.
bamscram's Avatar

cry]ing over Hillary's lose Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by gary5912

garyscum crying over Hillary's loss or lose lol

Fucking stupid lemming.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's ok to cut off the head of the POTUS (or portray it in a picture), but for GOD'S sake don't let there be a picture of his head on Time magazine cover!!!!

I recall at some point in time it was possible TO BUY a print of a Time magazine cover with one's picture on it!!!!! I believe Time sold them!!!

This thread and topic demonstrates the immaturity and pettiness of whining Liberals who have no substance about which to complain, but just create dumbass accusations and fabrications about other people in facilitate their attempt to marginalize them, because they themselves lack the character and quality necessary to compete on a competitive "playing field"! It really underscores their inadequacy and incompetency.
Your daddy should have flushed you down the toilet at the hospital. What a dumb fuck. Originally Posted by bambino
Lol...too bad your crack whore mommy didn't decide to swallow that day and give your pimp daddy a swift kick in the nuts to ensure he doesn't procreate any more fatass, man-bra wearing dickheads.

Get banned much? Yup...