Your favorite firearm for home defense and why

I don’t have a lot of expertise with firearms. I have just recently started going to gun ranges. Interested in hearing from more experienced voices. I have a home so don’t need to worry about a round hitting a neighbor that Is only separated by drywall.
winn dixie's Avatar
A short pump shotgun is the best home defense weapon. You do not need to be a good shot, just point and shoot. It is also easy to use. For rounds Do not buy slugs, just use regular game loads loaded with # 8 shot!! This is good up to 40 yds.! Also the scariest sound to an intruder is that of a pump shotgun being pumped in the dark!! Good Luck
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Short pump shotgun for those "tight spot","close range" let's not do too much damage while performing a gun powder vivisection, or taking out the knees, or head.


When you really wanna make an impact, I find that my 357 SIG or Marlin 45-70 will take them out and the 3 guys standing behind them.
Boltfan's Avatar
9 mm hollow point.

I also keep my practice sword right next to my bed. I can place that to your temple or neck with pretty good accuracy.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Glock - 9mm
rexdutchman's Avatar
Glock Model 21 .45 ACP Round doesn't penetrate walls as much as 9mm , was made to stop with one shot, just my opinion. ( Glock has full line of 45s big small etc )
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 12-23-2017, 02:33 PM
If you're new to firearms, you're probably better off with a long gun. Shotguns are good points and shoot weapons, and, as was pointed out, the sound of racking the action is very intimidating. An AR-15 isn't a bad choice, either. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't overpenetrate. It's a fine choice for a house, plus it can reach out to longer ranges when necessary (unlike the shotgun).
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 12-23-2017, 03:32 PM
Personally think a shotgun is your best choice. A self defense shotgun, just like the posts above, the shotgun is your best choice if you have to get to it in the middle of the night quickly.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Owning a couple of different guns would be my suggestion.

I have my grandfather's old 12 gauge shotgun that he taught me how to clean, and shoot can targets, when I was a child.

And it works fine.

Keep that one loaded in the closet.

Then, a Glock 19. It's a pretty popular brand and a 9 mm gun. I've only gone to the gun range with it once though, but I've been told that it's an effective and reliable weapon.

Over the years, I've leaned towards simplicity with guns although being a Texan, I've known a whole lot of collectors.

When I was younger adult, had a Smith and Wesson .38 revolver with a long barrel.

Really like the idea of a revolver if cleaning a gun isn't something that is done frequently.

Don't think that people really need to have a whole bunch of guns but having a regular hand gun, and then a larger gun like a shotgun or rifle, seems to be reasonable enough.

Have fun! I've tried to get to the gun range for over a year now and really need to get back to one. It's been a few years, at least.

Too long, really!!!
Shotgun for several reasons.

Good chance that the perpetrator will flee when they hear you cock it, yes had to say cock.

Just point in the direction of the sound. Chances are your going to hit your target.

Won't have to worry about over penetration and shooting another person through a wall.

I could keep going but these are just a few. Put a light on your weapon whatever you choose. Helps in dark situations. You will get mixed opinions on the light. Much like my firearm, I would rather have it and not need it vs need it and not have it.
hardroad69's Avatar
Ya'll just let every pimp and thug that reads this board know what is in you
TheWanderer's Avatar
The Taurus Judge or S&W Governor both shoot .410 shotgun shells in which you can get in a variety of loads, from birdshot to buckshot to slugs.
Both guns also shoot the 45 Long Colt which will blow a hole through a man's chest or shatter a buffalo's skull at close range.
Shotguns are great but they are large and can jam.
I like a revolver in the event I wake up in the middle of the night. It's ready to go, will not jam and I feel safer than shucking an automatic (again-waking up from a dead sleep.)
TheWanderer's Avatar
Ya'll just let every pimp and thug that reads this board know what is in you Originally Posted by hardroad69
Yeah, but I forgot to give him my address which is 123 Main St over in Anytown.
mtabsw's Avatar
I agree about shotgun being a good home defense weapon especially over a handgun because of its efficiency - i.e. people who get hit stay down.

But I also have to point out a few facts vs legends.

"Point and shoot" - not really - at 12-15' you're getting a circular pattern around 2.5 - 3.5 inches in diameter. Please aim.

"Don't have to worry about penetrating walls" 00 to #4 buck will go thru FOUR dry walls - 8 sheets of sheetrock.

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