What if??How one choice changed the destiny of two teams.

leglover05's Avatar
In 2006 Nick Saban was the Head Coach of the Miami Dolphins and was searching for a new Quarterback. In 2006 Drew Brees was looking for a new NFL team and considered playing for the Dolphins. We all know what choice Mr. Brees made and four years later, helped the Saints win their first Super Bowl. Since Brees chose to play for the Saints and not the Dolphins, Saban had his only losing season in his career in 2006. He then left Miami to coach the Alabama Crimson Tide and three years later, delivered the University Alabama their thirteenth National Championship.

What if Brees had chosen to play for the Dolphins?

Would the Saints have won a Super Bowl? Would the Crimson Tide have won their thirteenth National Championship since Saban would probably still be at Miami? I think not in both cases.

Who knew that one choice or decision made in 2006, would change history and impact thousands of people in 2009/2010?

Go Saints!

Roll Tide Roll!!
  • MrGiz
  • 02-12-2010, 12:57 AM
I wonder what would have happened if Saban had kept his word.... and not flat-out lied about not-leaving LSU.... after having already negotiated with Miami?

Yes.... interesting.... Good Football Coach.... Questionable Honor!

Oh Well.... It was definitely all worth it!!

* WHO * DAT * ? ?
leglover05's Avatar
Here we go again (insert extreme sarcasm and rolled eyes) about how much you hate Saban and what a terrible person he is.

Jesus Christ, that was over six years ago. Let it go. You've beaten that dead horse so much they went and buried it already.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-12-2010, 02:31 AM
Naaaaaahhhh.... I've conceded that he's a good football coach.... but once a lying scumbag.... always a lying scumbag!! It's okay.... he's your lying scumbag now!

I believe in the Butterfly Effect.... look it up! I am grateful that he's a lying scumbag.... 'cause that's the only way the Saints were able to be in a position to kick some Colt's ass on Sunday Night!

bodilly's Avatar
It wasn't Saban's decision to pass on Brees. He wanted him bad and probably would have gotten him to sign with the Dolphins but Miami medical staff said his shoulder would never be healed right and they went with Culpepper.
Big mistake on their part.

Mickey Loomis made the 2 best decisions ever made by the Saints in hiring Peyton and signing Brees.
He doesn't get near enough credit for the building of this Saints team.

I am and will forever be a Cowboys fan but I believe The Saints could very well become the Patriots of this new decade. They have the right foundation already.

As far as Saban goes he is a great coach and like Peyton and Brees he brought a championship to LSU and I for one as a Baton Rouge resident would take him back in a heartbeat.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-12-2010, 10:22 AM
.... It wasn't Saban's decision to pass on Brees..... would take him back in a heartbeat..... Originally Posted by bodilly
I never said it was... you apparently, didn't look-up "Butterfly Effect" , did ya!

Even though he's proven to be a liar.... I have to agree.... I'd take him back, over Les Miles in a heartbeat!!
Didn't Les Miles give us a championship in 07. DUH

I'll bet San Diego is regretting letting Bress go.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-12-2010, 03:24 PM
Elmer Fudd could have coached the teams that Miles inherited from Saban to Championships!!

San Diego has done just fine with Phillip Rivers.... the Brees deal was a win/win for all involved!
leglover05's Avatar

.........As far as Saban goes he is a great coach and like Peyton and Brees he brought a championship to LSU and I for one as a Baton Rouge resident would take him back in a heartbeat.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but you can't have him back (lol) He still has a few more National Championships to win while Alabama still has him.
Giz. I didn't see San Diego in the superbowl lately.
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 02-13-2010, 10:59 AM
Now you guys had to know that I was gonna jump in on this thread when I found it.....San Diego painted themselves into a big of a corner having Rivers on the bench (shouldn't have traded for him).....No way they could justify paying him as much money as they were paying him and having him sit on the bench.....Brees's injury just made it that much more easier to rationalize letting him go.....

The Dolphins are probably shooting themselves in the ass on a daily basis for not signing Brees and signing Culpepper (who was also coming off a serious injury to his knee I believe).....Brees then went to the only team in the league that showed him any interest.....Now, there are some teams that really didn't need a QB, so maybe they are fine with not giving Brees a try, but my guess is that there are probably about 25+ teams that wish they had a do-over on that.....The Ain'ts got Brees without having to give up anything to get him.....Then they went out and signed a hot coaching prospect in Sean Payton, then signed a very good defensive coordinator in Greg Williams, and now they have the makings of a team that could be around for a few years to come (barring injuries and free agency).....The thing that the Ain'ts are gonna hafta guard against though is that once they do become a perennial playoff/Super Bowl contender, other teams then start to steal your coaching staff away (especially the coordinators) and that has led to the downfall of many a supposed dynasty.....

This upcoming season has the potential to be a real interesting one.....
I'm not sure how much time Sean Peyton has left on his contract, but Jerry Jones will be looking for a new coach real soon and money will be no object with him.
Big C, I agree , more teams fall apart after they lose some quality coaches after a great season.
Indiana Bone's Avatar
What if the Chargers hadn't had Brees in at the end of a game when the outcome wasn't in question and he hadn't torn his shoulder up.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-13-2010, 03:50 PM
My only point about the San Diego situation is....
Drew Brees finished the regular season with a #1 QB Rating of 109.6
Philip Rivers finished the regular season with a #3 QB rating of 104.4

Brett Favre was #2 @ 107.2

I wouldn't trade Drew Brees for any other QB in the league!! But San Diego was left with no slouch!!

bodilly's Avatar
The Chargers do have a top notch QB.
This is how the fans will start looking at it though.

They had Brees. They traded Ely for Rivers and they passed on Big Ben.
As good as Rivers and he is good and younger than Brees they are gonna wonder when the guy they kept over all the others will get his Superbowl!!!