thinking of becoming VAGAZZLED!!!!

Sydney Pure's Avatar
have you seen the new craz??

I am seriously thinking about becoming VAGAZZLED....

Its not actually made it to Arkansas Ladies but there is a spa/nail shop here in town that is thinking about starting doing it!!!

If they donn't I'm willing to go to Florida or Cali and give it a try
It looks HOT!!

Here's a link:

If you like pm me and I will talk with the spa lady and let her know she has the interest ....Get the Goods!!!

And Guys its not supposed to hurt the MAN ..............
Lateralus's Avatar

Do you remember "candy buttons"? I could eat my weight in these if you used them in place of the vagazzle jewels... and when I go into a sugar coma, just a little mouth to mouth will revive me for more.
willro's Avatar
I think this topic is discussed in Jennifer Love Hewitt's new book. I believe she is a fan.
Caligula's Avatar
I am seriously thinking about becoming VAGAZZLED....
I could contribute a few pearls . . .
Impossible to deny that subject of great interest to humble student of human nature. Procedure substitute most attractive adornment provided by nature for replacement by gaudy display of manmade jewel of most estimable worth and utility. At same time, receive much pleasure in thinking that ladies across the globe constantly seek new ways to increase attractiveness to gentlemen. Will now add to inward speculation on which ladies met in day to day activities shave or otherwise depilitate nether region,meditation on whether business district is decorated for Christmas. While latest fashion certain to make news and win many hearts due to novelty, humble utilitarian self will have to come face to face with situation before deciding if same constitute risk to navigation and choking hazard.
Once have most illustrious lady friend who named one leg New Years, and other leg Christmas. All gentlemen she met hope to see her between holidays.
godbomber's Avatar
Gotta choose a good pattern first. Perhaps a smiley face?
willro's Avatar
Well??? Did you do it Sydney? Got some bling on your who-ha now?
jon5150's Avatar
Well Will, I saw Sydney last nite and it was un-vagazzled but is still a very pretty kitty