Dn't you just hate it when:

canoodle's Avatar
When you have a phone appointmment set up and then they are not answering??? Suppose it happens! Guess there's always a reason, but would like to hear it!! Guess sometime i'm flakey too??
A phone appointment? As in "I'll call you tomorrow at 1 to set our date for later that night" or more like "I'll call you tomorrow at 1 so that you can talk dirty to me while I jerk it to your new pics"? Because those are very different situations sir.
canoodle's Avatar
A phone appointment like...I'm talking to you now..so let's talk Friday at ???PM...OK! and I get the OK...then friday at ???. no answer!! May get answer sometime!! then wonder about accidnets or other emergencies....Hate when that happens!!
  • MrGiz
  • 04-24-2010, 06:25 PM
Have you ever considered that the provider may have received a firm, paying appointment that has her tied-up at the pre-discussed call back time? One possible explanation, anyway...

bluffcityguy's Avatar
No offense, but you'd have a more justified complaint if the second phone call (on Friday) was to confirm a meeting to take place a bit later.

Giz has the most likely explanation. Another possibility is that she had some real life emergency come up that kept her away from her phone.


Yeah man, we got businesses to run yo. Word.
A phone appointment like...I'm talking to you now..so let's talk Friday at ???PM...OK! and I get the OK...then friday at ???. no answer!! May get answer sometime!! then wonder about accidnets or other emergencies....Hate when that happens!! Originally Posted by canoodle
Do Westerners really make appointments to call and make appointment for another day?
Chan have own crazy system. Call when ready to make appointment. If phone busy, either wait or call someone else.
Seldom assume self so important that when someone not answer my call is result of terrible accident.
Possible misunderstood thread. Can only hope so.
Crazy Americans! Have most amusing anecdotes. This one sound like episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm " Right?. no, seriously.
canoodle's Avatar
And on the other hand, we have fur fingers and a thumb!
[quote=Mr.Chan;257404]Do Westerners really make appointments to call and make appointment for another day?
Chan have own crazy system. Call when ready to make appointment. If phone busy, either wait or call someone else.

Unfortunately this doesn't always work under present circumstances in la Petite Roche... (especially if yer an out-of-towner)

Even perfect credentials require detailed verification. It sucks when the golden carriage turns back into a pumpkin...

but I'm not bitter. LOL

canoodle's Avatar
Guess it's time to clarify this... This is some one with whom I have corresponded in the past by email and phone and she asked me to specify a time to call...No problem except I called at the time and left two msgs and no call-back....she has my number....So was worried....I know the ladies here are in a business and I appreciate that. Just hoping everything is OK... I know, Chan, there are plenty of others!!! But some are kind of friends !!
Pamelatoo's Avatar
Noodle doodle. I am callin my self out. After listening to voice mail I am very confident it is me you are speaking of. We lined up a meeting...You cancelled yet once again....We agreed upon a phone call which I wasnt able to answer due to the whole real life junk that gets thrown at us every day spontaniously. I promise everyone that is reading I am not in anyway defending myself. I am stating the truth of events which does not need defense.
You mean you don't drop everything going on in your life to answer a phone call from a multi canceler? Well that's just crazy Pam.
Sydney Pure's Avatar
this PHONE SHIT IS DRIVING ME NUCKING FUTS.....I think I wanna go back before bag phones......or just throw the d@mn thing!!!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
this PHONE SHIT IS DRIVING ME NUCKING FUTS.....I think I wanna go back before bag phones......or just throw the d@mn thing!!! Originally Posted by Sydney Pure
Let's go back to carrier pigeons! Yeah, that's it! (bcg is rather enamored of "mature technologies", shall we say...)

No, wait, some client's wife/girfriend would let loose his favorite pigeon, and she'll follow it to your doorstep, with probably worse (or at least more unpleasant) results than merely fielding an irate phone call from an indignant woman...

Better stick with the phones.

