"Took money and run" SERIOUSLY?!??!?!! HA!

I find it very funny that "Soulmate" would make this review!! I saw him once.
Appointment was akward from the beginning. He messaged me after & set another appointment. Out call , In Siloam springs.. Now.. Appointment was for 11.
long story short - I called to confirm our date ab half hr before. No response. I fell asleep.. OOPS! Ab an hr or so & i wake up to him calling , half way asleep i answer. Said he was sorry & he had got caught up doing something at new life ranch with some buddies! When i said i wasn't able to drive into town to meet (still half out of it) , i ask if he'd like to reschedule for in the morning before checkout. He demanded "no! Now" .... ?? Um I'm sorry , i couldn't help but to NOT want to stay clear of that nasty ass attitude. As for the $ I supposedly ran off with... Wow. I saw this looney tune , ONCE. And that was a mistake in itself! As soon as he didn't get what he demanded for he threatened to make a bad review assuring to put a stop to any money that I'd make & that he was the victim. On top of that lovely episode , I received a message from him the next day asking if I was on my way!!!! I got to the message late , but when I had a chance to check it , hes going off ab how I stood him up again!! WHAT?! Im sorry i didn't show up for an appointment you set & then were beyond "fashionably" late for. & I'm sorry I didn't attend a rain check appointment that was declined by a grown man throwing a fit. Who are you ?! I'm not even going to continue this rant because its beyond me. I will say another client has given me a "loan" upfront a time or two & guess what... !!! HE HAD NO PROBLEM !!! I DIDN'T TAKE HIS MONEY & RUN. I STUCK TO OUR AGREEMENT TO MEET LATER. That same client actually txt me & asked what was going on!! Like I said , i saw dude once. I dont appreciate how half of the story was told & stuff that never happened has been added in.... I'm done !!!!!!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Funny how you say you took a "loan" before and was fine with it.

If you took his money maybe give it back and you two can be on your way.

If you didn't then a mod needs to get involved to get the children all straitened out.

Maybe don't take loans is a good idea.

You are both new. Learn form it.
Why is this posted in the National Forum? This is a private or local matter at best... Please post your incoherent rants some place where they might give a shit!!
I had an advance , loan , whatever from someone else I've seen regularly , yes. From the guy who is making the accusation , no. I saw him once. The only money I received from him was the donation for our first appointment and only appointment.

- I am new , like stated above.. I wasn't exactly sure where to post & had saw a some other posts pertaining similar things as this. Excuse me for my ignorance. If you or nobody else gives a shit ab this incoherent rant , please do not comment or pay it any mind. I was very upset to see what he had said , because he said false things , added false things , and left out how he was an hour late , refused my offer to reschedule the next morning before check out but got super pissed when I didn't show that morning , when he had stated very clearly he wanted no part in the night before. Ofcourse I'm looked at badly & its poor little him.. The fact he lied ab giving me money upfront & then made it seem like I completely said forget him is wrong. I'm not an angel by any means. But I certainly didn't do anything like that.. Not in my character. Good day.
pyramider's Avatar
Being new, all can be forgiven provided you post taint photos.
Can't be that simple buddy,,,,, how about phone sex from her? And taint
LOL ! Phone sex... People still do that?
guess I'm not forgiven.. :-(
phone sex is lame & my taint is golden.. I won't post a pic ... But y'all can take turns blowing on it. Thatd be great. Thanx.
. I was very upset to see what he had said. Originally Posted by kendra1989
I want to know how you were able to see the ROS.
Why is this posted in the National Forum? This is a private or local matter at best... Please post your incoherent rants some place where they might give a shit!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Mod needs to move thread to Arkansas so soulmate will see and can chime in.
I want to know how you were able to see the ROS. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
biomed1's Avatar
The NCNS Review has been moved to Arkansas Co-Ed.


Kendra now has the ability to post directly in the thread.

This provides her with the ability to "Tell her side" of the story in the same thread.

As to Kendra posting here in the National Discussion Forum of the board?

While I agree that her post might have been more effective in Arkansas, there is nothing in the Guidelines that prevent her from posting her side in this Forum.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

bladtinzu's Avatar
The NCNS Review has been moved to Arkansas Co-Ed.


Kendra now has the ability to post directly in the thread.

This provides her with the ability to "Tell her side" of the story in the same thread.

As to Kendra posting here in the National Discussion Forum of the board?

While I agree that her post might have been more effective in Arkansas, there is nothing in the Guidelines that prevent her from posting her side in this Forum.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

Biomed1 Originally Posted by biomed1
Can you somehow merge this thread with that one? Since after all it is a local matter vs a national one?
Lazrback's Avatar
Ironically enough we can only merge the threads by the OP's request, which she should do, but....

At any rate, they are now digitally linked at least so anyone reading one does have quick access to the other, not the perfect ending, but under the guidelines one we will have to live with I am sure.
Maybe we can merge this thread into one big super-sticky thread called "WHO GIVES A SHIT?!?" And then dump all the grade school he said/she said crap into one place......