Oh boy, Oh boy! Questions by Jemma. Here we go!

I don't know if a thread like this has been made before, but here it goes...

These 3 questions are for the gentlemen.

1.) Do you guys prefer boobs or butts? Size doesn't matter...just which do you prefer and why?

2.) Do you guys prefer makeup and hair all done, or the casual look? I can understand if a woman is not that attractive without makeup on, but if she's attractive without...which do you prefer?

3.) Do you guys prefer massages, or don't like to be touched? If a woman can't give a good massage, will that bother you?

Now ladies...

1.) Have you ever had a guy, that you just met, who is super sweet, and then turns into this vicious sex machine? If so, how do you handle it?

2.) Have you ever met a clients wife? Funny question I know, but honestly have you? If so, how did that go and what were the circumstances?

3.) Do you ladies think that when guys ask for anal that they could be secretly gay? Is it just me, or are there other who feel this way?

Now let's the games begin...XOXO
animitasenthe's Avatar
1. Yes please.
2. Do what you want.
3. Touch me however you want to.

I'm easy.
dearhunter's Avatar
Boardman asked for anal?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Boardman asked for anal? Originally Posted by dearhunter
No, he turned into the vicious sex machine. Used her left stiletto as as a scratching post. Bad kitty.
trantran's Avatar
butts because im a butt guy
makeup and hair all done
yes massage
Interstellar's Avatar
1. Bigger than A firm healthy boobs are the most wanted for me.
2. Good looking and attractive lady doesn't need too much make up. A little is enough for me, but of course healthy and clean.
3. Massage? Good massage is appreciated. Lame massage make me feel terrible. It's better not have it unless it's really good. I had very lame massag from licienced provider before.
tbone77494's Avatar
Boobs, no contest, but I like perky better than big.
Natural, light makeup. If you need a lot to look good, your not my type.
Massage is fine as something to do between round 1 and 2, but unless I am getting a specific sports massage from a pro, I'm ambivalent.

Oh, and no the anal doesn't mean gay. It's preferred by dudes with skinny dicks who want a tight feeling and can't get it in a standard provider who-ha.
1. I like a little of both because I prefer curvy women. But I lean more butt.

2. I don't care for too much makeup. I prefer a more natural look. I also don't care for the wigs. Had one provider who would wear them. Finally saw her without it and she was still stunning with her short hair. For me if you are sexy long hair and makeup not needed. Just be yourself and presentable.

3. The more touching the better.
1. Nice bubble butt, doesn't have to be huge. It just needs to be proportionate. Boobs don't have to be big either but I prefer butts over boobs.

2. Don't really care for a lot of makeup. I like natural beauty

3. Massage after we've played is always good
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-11-2015, 06:47 AM
Boobs. Any size is fine. Just not mommy-saggy.

Little to no makeup is awesome. I want to see how my lady truly looks.

A little bit of a massage is most appreciated. And returned, if asked.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 02-11-2015, 07:20 AM
1. I prefer boobs. Just the way I am
2. I really don't care too much as long as you look good.
3. If I want a massage I'd go to my bp body rub regulars.
i like to massage her nipples in cowgirl.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
1. I love Boobies!!! A lot : )
2. I prefer no makeup, I like natural.
3. Massage? ... I'm not interested in a massage. But I love it when Providers fuck my brains out. I love sex : )
ackvt's Avatar
  • ackvt
  • 02-11-2015, 08:31 AM
1. Butts. I am very aroused by fit women. I like boobs too, however a good butt also likely means nice tummy, legs, etc.
2. Some effort, not made up like you are going to the prom but not like you've just rolled out of bed.
3. I like massages, but I'm an FBSM+++ kind of hobbyist so if she can't do a massage I probably wouldn't schedule an appointment with her anyway. If she claims massage skills and sucks at it or tries to avoid it that's no good.
Mexxxican Warrior's Avatar
1.) Size does matter (to me), if the lady looks like a 2x4 (flat chest and no ass) and the only way you can tell which way is front is by looking to see which way her nose is pointing, not a good sign. So tough choice, I love big natural breasts and I love a nice big soft ass.
2.) Make up is nice when not overdone (I don't like the Cirque du Soleil look). I like the casual look as well. Either look works for me but bad hygiene will kill any look.
3.) I do like to be touch although I am ticklish, a good massage is a plus but a bad massage can be salvaged by a good blowjob.