actually I wouldn't even say what is the Definition but what is the word when describing someone who is just plain rude! some would say a Bitch....but that's just overboard for me. I now understand what a gentlemen was saying last night. About some of the providers on here. If I pm ANY lady on this board or any other board its because the gentlemen interested in my time has gave of one of you ladies as a excuse my ass if you think I'm annoying but 3-4 messages are not blowing up an inbox and personally I wouldn't care if it took more than that to help a lady figure out if a gentlemen is safe in our annoying is being well reviewed etc and not wanting to know or help another provider know exactly where this gentlemen came from that is giving you as a reference...
sad to say she blocked me and seems like I have to find a provider who cares to help keep gentlemen. And the ladies this community safe.