ok guys

how do u like your kitty to be...

a) bushy
b) naked
c) trimmed

just curious.. everyone has their opinion lets hear yours.

licks and kisses
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Naked kitties are starting to become too cliche nowadays so I'll go with trimmed. Stop looking like a damn 12 yr old below the waist!!!
this is true babe.. but nothing like licking and kissing with out the hair..lol

but can see ur point totally.

licks to ya
dearhunter's Avatar
I like to thinck of a kitty as a oven.......so, a self cleaning kitty is always nice.
blowpop's Avatar
Naked is my favorite, but neatly trimmed is fine.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
Prefer a well groomed pussy. Bare is just nasty.
Fresh and bare is nice. Stubble is a no go.
kerwil62's Avatar
It can be all of the above, as long as I can get up in it! And CLEAN!!!!
john353's Avatar
I prefer shaved clean. A little natural color up top is fine, but I like all the little lickables nice and bare.
Stalion's Avatar
I floss regularly...so...naked is my preffered
Naked kitties are starting to become too cliche nowadays so I'll go with trimmed. Stop looking like a damn 12 yr old below the waist!!! Originally Posted by The G.O.A.T

Hahaha.. I always wondered why so many men like the pre-pubscent look.
A woman is not a little girl!
ICU 812's Avatar
I like them BALD.
boardman's Avatar
Too easy...

oilfieldscum's Avatar
If I am dining in then no full bush but otherwise I would say it depends on the cat and the presentation thereof.