Did everyone disappear.....

Mississippi board is very quiet! Just came back off summer vacay and it seems like everyone has just fell off the earth?! What's everyone up to or where ya been!??
Right here waiting on you!
Lol, babe they are there. And I can attest to Stellix waiting on you.
Hey y'all ! I'm still around, lol !
Lol, babe they are there. And I can attest to Stellix waiting on you. Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
Too bad you’re still not here , we could make a fuckfest sequel !
I am also here except I live in New Orleans...lol Does that count??

I’m still here!

How are you?
Stellix...yall got to wait til end of Sept for me to come back.
I'm here, just a little less lately due to my RW job.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
I think some of the guys may be temporarily down on disposable cash due to getting their kids back in school after the summer break.

Yeah, we have RW commitments in addition to our own regular jobs and expenses.
Stellix...yall got to wait til end of Sept for me to come back. Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
Bring your ass back down and the three of us can have some fun !
I’m glad you asked. I was wondering the same thing lately.
BR, very true and to add to that some if not most providers have RW responsibilities like getting kiddos back to school, bills and yes, regular jobs. I think it works on both sides, especially during this time of year.

I think some of the guys may be temporarily down on disposable cash due to getting their kids back in school after the summer break.

Yeah, we have RW commitments in addition to our own regular jobs and expenses. Originally Posted by Brer Rabbit
TurboCharge's Avatar
Yea BR that college tuition be tough.
Mississippi has been extremely quiet and boring! I haven’t got to see anyone in month or two! Idk what’s going on!??