Need Photos?

I would love to do a photo shoot. Here are some from my latest. PM ladies if interested. Comments? PM me. I would love to here from the PROs just pm me.

No offense but...
they look like any average photos that some random person took with a camera phone or regular low quality camera.
Thanks. Anyone else?
LucadeJure's Avatar
Totally off topic ... that's a genuine Gibson Les Paul with soapbar pickups ... excellent photo prop.
Yep, it's a great guitar. You sir are a man of gallantry and taste.
Sorry I agree with Alexandria. Sometimes the best thing is honesty ...... and babe, photography ain't ur niche. Look into something else u have real talent in or take a lot of photography classes and buy a lot of expensive equipment that makes look like a total pro.
Are the photographs glamour quality, accenuating her beauty and hiding her every flaw? NOPE.

Are the photographs of the type that guys can see a young lady's beauty and feel confident that when they walk in the door, they will not be unpleasantly surprised, yes.

Looking at the top pic, she is a very pretty young lady.

While the guitar makes a great prop (sorry, I can't appreciate it to the extent Lucade does), I think the primary downside to the pics is the actual backdrops and scenery.

Quality of the camera seem fine to me. Lighting may need some improvement, that goes along with the backdrops.

In the last photo, some comments:
Angle is nice, perhaps a bit more light on her face. Good focus, but the cheap carpet and curtain don't make the grade.

Hope my comments are better accepted. (And I am not a photographer at all. My skills have typically involved photography of mechanical items like machines I have designed. Where here we are interested in how the light bounces off of a pretty face, maybe reflects off her blonde hair, I was looking to show the quality metal machining and welds of a robust piece of equipment.)
I will be glad to have you come take some pics for me. We all have to start somewhere and learn from our mistakes so if you ever want to come take pics for me please let me know. I have solid carpert and a fireplace and stuff. It takes practice to get good at stuff. It like me and Blow Jobs I wasnt worth a damn at 15 but now older I am better or at least hope so. It took practice and a great neighbor that let me practice on him a bunch. Practice makes us better and if you do something with love it get better just like making a cake do it with love and it turn out great. Really let me know if you want to take pics for me.. I have no pro pics at the moment all mine are from clients and myself on the webcam. Hugs and kisses so have a good day!!!!!!!!! Ps ur pics dont look that bad. Heck all u see is a girl and a guitar nt trash in the pics or tags hanging out and all the stuff some pics have in them.
My only advice is to invest in a couple reflectors, maybe some strobes and umbrellas/diffusers, but at the very least a diffuser for your flash. Also, for portrait work, get a nice wide angle fixed length lens (no zoom lenses) with a low f stop number. That way you can get a real nice shallow depth of field with soft backgrounds, or open it up and get more depth of field if needed. I recommend something like a 35mm with an f1.8 or so ... Oh, and even though people seem to equate Photoshop with "faked", it is an important tool in any photog's arsenal. Just look at these simple adjustments to your pics that add warmth and focus ... I'd be happy to share some tips.


I actually liked the original photos better than your photoshopped.

Just goes to show...WALDT

Oh, and I bet Silvia is eating up all of this free publicity.

But then others have done much worse with threADs over the years. And I think that this thread could be used as a training tool both for photographers and for ladies trying to see what type of pics make an impact on us guys.
Yea we all have our preferences. Some people prefer glamour photographs. I like pics that don't look altered too much.

smysteryman I dig your style. Definitely more BOLD. I will take your comments as solid advice and I appreciate it. I do need a wide angle lens soon.

Tigercat I also appreciate your input my friend.

Silvia is a great gal, truly a gem. She is very supportive of my desire. One of the coolest and nicest girls I've met in and out of hobby. And a great lay too.....

Truly Passion thanks for the opportunity to do a shoot, I definitely will take you up on the offer!

I've gotten a lot of PMs from people, all positive, got a lot of projects ahead of me and I can't wait!
I agree with Tigercat. I think the photos are pretty decent. Back ground not so much
Great Thin and after you get through you can post on here also. Have a great day. Hugs and Kisses TP
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Pics aren't bad at all man. Quality looks good. Just experiment and play around with some lighting and the little things, somebody mentioned reflectors. Its just like everything else, the more time and money you invest, the better everything turns out.
Atlas's Avatar
  • Atlas
  • 09-27-2012, 10:44 PM
Thin, just pick up an entry-level digital SLR off eBay for cheap. Make sure it comes with a telephoto lens (and the instructions, of course). Then invest in a few softboxes. The number one rule to follow when it comes to photographing women is to USE SOFT LIGHT!

You don't need to take Esquire-quality photos here. The point is to show off the ladies' assets and drive their business. These pics were taken in motels with a relatively simple lighting setup. The only Photoshop alterations were minimal sharpening and exposure balance: