Heavy STL Chica's That Dress in Mini Skirts

This past Friday night-April 13, I went to Club Cielo here in Corpus Christi and saw Grupo Intocable, Grupo Yahiri was the opening band. This Gringo loves Tejano/Norteno Musica. This is my second time to go to Club Cielo, I saw Grupo Solido last year at Club Cielo. Club Cielo is located in a bad section of town on Baldwin past Greenwood in an old HEB Grocery store building. I have had both Mexicanas & Gringos tell me that I am muy loco for venturing over to Club Cielo. An older Mexicano Security Dude patted me down for weapons and had me remove my cowboy hat. He felt around the inside of the hat band. The Security Dude also searches chica's purses for weapons.

This is just my personal opinion, when a chica gets to a certain dress size & weight, a chica should retire their mini skirts. A chica shouldn't be wearing a mini skirt when she has a muy grande culo that is multiple ax handles wide. And the first thing an hombre notices/sees is two massive thunder thighs rubbing together with massive amounts of cottage cheese cellulite on her thighs. I try to not judge a book by it's cover, don't judge a chica only by her looks. A chica's personality & brain is just as crucial in making an informed decison/opinion on a chica. When it comes to a chica's looks-all that glitters is not gold.

Club Cielo had many shapes & sizes of Mexicana chicas, the majority with the STL. Flaquita Bonita Mexicana chicas were definitely in the minority.

There were 4 Off Duty CCPD Officers-(2 Mexicanos, 1 Black & 1 Gringo) working along with Club Cielo Security Bouncers. There were several incidents where the CCPD Officers or the Bouncers physically removed borracho hombres from Club Cielo for pulling a stunt while borracho.

The worst incident involved multiple borracho dudes. I saw all 4 CCPD Officers & the Bouncers running over to where a fight had broken out. There was a huge scuffle while they were breaking up the fight. The malo borracho hombres attempted to fight the CCPD Officers & Bouncers. CCPD Officers had to physically remove 3 borracho Mexicano hombres from Club Cielo.

I was standing in an area to the left & in front of where Grupo Intocable was selling their t-shirts, caps, cowboy hats etc. by a bar rail that separated a private section that a large group had reserved to party. The CCPD Officers & Bouncers were going to have to drag the 3 borracho hombres out by the location that I was standing at. I saw the CCPD Officers dragging the 3 borracho hombres out and the borracho hombres were struggling, not going peacefully. The borracho hombre's chicas/novia's & amigos were following & started putting their hands on the CCPD Officers. Attempting to pull the CCPD Officers off their hombres. I stepped back against the back wall between two tables to get out of harm's way. It was doble estupida/estupido y doble retrasada/retrasado for the chicas/novia's & amigos when they put their hands on the CCPD Officers. They wound up in handcuffs and were arrested along with the 3 borracho hombres.

Grupo Intocable put on an excellent show. I was not familiar with Grupo Yahiri, I recognized some of their songs that they played. I have heard their songs played on KSAB FM radio station. When I was leaving, the 4 CCPD Oficcers were standing outside with the older Security Dude. I asked the older Security Dude if it always got this rowdy at Club Cielo? He laughed and replied-not always. I made the remark that I sure was glad the CCPD Officers were working security. The CCPD Officers all smiled.
capitan1962's Avatar
Yes while their ass looks like two full laundry bags. On the same note I think it should be illegal to sell those sweat pants that say "Sexy" across the ass in a XXXL size. Just like they don't want to see a 350 pound man wearing a cut off shirt that says, "Hunk." Actually he is probably more of a Hunk than she is Sexy.
capitan1962's Avatar
Just say No!!!

I see these size 14 girls squeeze into a size 8 dress all the time, it just makes them look fatter!
Someday, I will learn to quit reading through any thread that Capitan1962 makes a post to. OUCH!!!!!