The Eyes Have It.. (Well, they have *me* at least..)

We've had booty threads. Boob threads. Leg threads. All of these are, of course greatly appreciated.. but..

Now, it's time for a thread about.. eyes.

Gentlemen, which providers do you think have the most beautiful eyes?

Ladies, if you choose, please feel free to use this threAD for a little shameless self-promotion.. as long as you photo shows off your beautiful eyes, of course.

"Slutty" eyes, bedroom eyes, seductive eyes.. I'd like to look into them, please.

Little Monster's Avatar
Good thread! Hopefully a 50 year old provider won't come on here and ruin this one....
mrhappysf's Avatar
Kaylee Blue. Most hypnotic eyes in or out of the hobby. The rest of her is pretty darn awesome too.
sue_nami's Avatar
I'm gona call you out on that little nugget of hate LM>fuck you and the bad attitude you rode in on little monster. that sort of negativity is not good for anyone. all ages hang out here and find clients and many like my 55 years old eyes and ass. LM it is not a beneficial comment to say something that rude and classless when u are surrounded with beautiful providers of all ages. why act rude and mean when I know you're a nice guy and not a douchebag? what good does it do? what do you hope to achieve by saying rude things like that? it only brings down the quality of life on this board to be surrounded with hateful negativity like that statement.
not to mention that eyes are one the feature that does not age at all and you could not tell a woman's age by her eyes alone. why be mean when u can just be quiet, be sweet, or be inclusive? life is too short to spout this sort of ugliness and hate hun, u are better than that. this forum is for everyone and some of us are over age 50 and you sir, if lucky enough, will be too one day. be nice.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I would give my left nut (it's lazy and doesn't do much anyway) to look into these eyes during Daty

Kaylee Blue for sure.

moonshiner's Avatar
I'm gona call you out on that little nugget of hate LM>fuck you and the bad attitude you rode in on little monster. that sort of negativity is not good for anyone. all ages hang out here and find clients and many like my 55 years old eyes and ass. LM it is not a beneficial comment to say something that rude and classless when u are surrounded with beautiful providers of all ages. why act rude and mean when I know you're a nice guy and not a douchebag? what good does it do? what do you hope to achieve by saying rude things like that? it only brings down the quality of life on this board to be surrounded with hateful negativity like that statement.
not to mention that eyes are one the feature that does not age at all and you could not tell a woman's age by her eyes alone. why be mean when u can just be quiet, be sweet, or be inclusive? life is too short to spout this sort of ugliness and hate hun, u are better than that. this forum is for everyone and some of us are over age 50 and you sir, if lucky enough, will be too one day. be nice. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Wow that really seems like unecessary rudeness as defined in the guidelines

Ever seen a dog's eyes after they reach a certain age, how they no longer twinkle and take on a dulled dead look to them?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-20-2016, 08:05 AM
Wow that really seems like unecessary rudeness as defined in the guidelines Originally Posted by moonshiner
You sound like you are quite the expert in rudeness.
moonshiner's Avatar
It's not hard to recognize Old-Tard.
That is if your eyes aren't already dulled.
IB, I'm not sure I'd give up a nut but I'd definitely save up the nickels in my piggy bank for an hour with your model of choice. A lazy nut is better than no nut at all, imo.

Sue, I've got a confession to make that might piss off your critics.. One of my favorite brown-eyed girls that I've seen Hobbywise was a 40something MILF. (I always said she looked early 30s to me, though.. Good maintenance work! haha.)

Speaking of MILFs, though.. One of the ladies that I wish made a stop in Austin was one I've seen in the Dallas and Houston forums: Reese Foster.

MrHappySF, I've never seen Kaylee in person, though I have ogled her pix on Preferred411 from time to time. Perhaps after I get some of my New Year's Resolution hobby cherries popped..

Moonshiner, it was suggested to me in the SA men's lounge that I go to Houston to get a certain hobby cherry of mine popped. You seem to know the scenes in the bigger Texas cities pretty well.. Are there ladies in the bigger cities that you'd recommend when I need to fulfill my need for a lady with beautiful eyes?
moonshiner's Avatar
Due to the nature of the question I gave to go private.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I've been told my eye is attractive.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... that sort of negativity is not good for anyone ... Originally Posted by sue_nami
You are 100% correct, ma'am. It truly is a shame some never learn how to play nice.

I'll bet your eyes still sparkle.
Lovely thread! Eyes are indeed the window to the soul...

sue_nami's Avatar
wow Lena you're so beautiful!!!! thanks johhny the sparkle in my eyes is a wicked one and promises you a damn good time if you like a wicked woman.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Blue eyes