Judge orders new searches for hiledebeest Benghazi emails

I B Hankering's Avatar

Judge orders new searches for hildebeest Benghazi emails

U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta ruled that the State Department had not done enough to try to track down messages hildebeest may have sent about the assault on the U.S. diplomatic compound on Sept. 11, 2012 — an attack that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya....

However, the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch argued that the search wasn't good enough because State never tried to search its own systems for relevant messages in the official email accounts of hildebeest's top aides.

In a 10-page ruling issued Tuesday, Mehta — an Odumbo appointee — agreed.

"To date, State has searched only data compilations originating from outside sources — Secretary hildebeest, her former aides, and the FBI. ... It has not, however, searched 8 the one records system over which it has always had control and that is almost certain to contain some responsive records: the state.gov e-mail server," Mehta wrote.

bambino's Avatar
Lock her up.
I've said since the election Trump needed to pursue legal action again Hillary in order to quell all these fake investigations into him.
He talks about it at his pep rallies.
What gets me, is with all we know, not one special investigation has been ordered for her, lynch, holder, OR wasserman-shultz.. WHY?? Cause the dems take care of their own.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-10-2017, 03:33 PM
Jesus....you numbnuts want to lock up Clinton and not Trump too?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

You fellas got it all figured out!

No getting around you!

Great doctoring of the cut and paste, Corpy. Looks like you changed a lot of words, Big fucking surprise.

Stupid dipshits.

If trump breaks the law as bad as Hillary has, then yes he should get locked up too... BUT TILL we get proof he has, then talk about jailing him is putting the cart before the horse.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Just reading Sharyl Attkisson and she pointed out that the state department has never searched their own files Hillary or SOS emails.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just reading Sharyl Attkisson and she pointed out that the state department has never searched their own files Hillary or SOS emails. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
That's what I got out of the situation, and the Judge gave them until 9/22/17 to report back with the status of the search. There was some hocus-pocus from the SOS about "copies" of emails & "copies" of the copies, as an excuse for not searching and producing all of them on their servers.

What I understand is the Judge was not impressed by their failure to produce the copies and their "reasoning" for not doing so.

Backing up ... if you recall there were some emails that were "scrubbed" and "marked up" for transmission ... they are obligated to produce the originals, and if not to preserve them for judicial review to determine whether they should be produced in their original form. Since the SOS and HillariousNoMore have proclaimed they were not "classified" then that excuse for withholding them is not viable and they can be held in a "sealed" and/or "protected" status to avoid public release.
lustylad's Avatar
Just reading Sharyl Attkisson and she pointed out that the state department has never searched their own files Hillary or SOS emails. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I find that hard to believe. The whole point of her using a private server was so if anything was subpoenaed by Congress or under FOIA lawsuits, the State Department could claim they did a search and found nothing (or very little) that was "responsive" to the subpoena or discovery request. How could the bastards get away with not even doing a perfunctory search? Even if hildebeest used a private server, she surely communicated with some DOS employees at their official email addresses, in which case those emails should have turned up in any competent search. Too many questions here.
LexusLover's Avatar
Even if hildebeest used a private server, she surely communicated with some DOS employees at their official email addresses, in which case those emails should have turned up in any competent search. Too many questions here. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm typing here and you are reading it there. In between there are at least three other servers. Each one has a copy of what I am sending to you now. As I posted above, apparently the SOS "argument" was there would only be "copies" of "copies" on those "servers" they failed to examine. The average IT want-a-be (like the dupe who tried to escape to Pakistan) doesn't even know where or how to EXAMINE those units to find shit. And they lack the software to "recover" documents on them as well. HillariousNoMore doesn't have a clue, just like her predator husband didn't know shit about DNA evidence.
bamscram's Avatar
Call Russia they have them.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I find that hard to believe. The whole point of her using a private server was so if anything was subpoenaed by Congress or under FOIA lawsuits, the State Department could claim they did a search and found nothing (or very little) that was "responsive" to the subpoena or discovery request. How could the bastards get away with not even doing a perfunctory search? Even if hildebeest used a private server, she surely communicated with some DOS employees at their official email addresses, in which case those emails should have turned up in any competent search. Too many questions here. Originally Posted by lustylad
Especially considering how hildebeest used this line of reasoning to defend herself once it came to light that she had *elected* to use a private server: "the emails would have been captured in the records of those in the State Department she sent emails to." But it seems that the State Department never, ever conducted FOIA searches in that manner. A loop hole hildebeest was, no doubt, probably aware of. The State Department only searches for emails at the point of origin, and, in this case, argued that to look for emails at the receiving end would essentially be an administrative nightmare. The judge ordered them to do it this time and assured them that there should be no future instances when such tracking backwards searches would be required in that what hildebeest did should be a "unique" case.

I am laughing at these State Department bureaucrats who let this happen. It serves them right that these searches are interrupting their morning coffee and newspaper routines because their fucking asses let this happen and then giggled like a clique of junior high school girls when they returned FOIA requests with no action with an attached note saying "no record".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you talking about underage girls again, IBIdiot?

Sure looks like it. In fact, yes, you are.