Late nights on the northwest

bellabonita's Avatar
Up late-night on 290 and bored
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Welcum 2 Da Club!
jonfor4's Avatar
Whatever happened to the eccie chat room?
I live off of the 290, definitely need a new regular near me
What about the thievery that you are known for? Have you turned over a new leaf?
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
What about the thievery that you are known for? Have you turned over a new leaf? Originally Posted by SeaPro62
Other than a few hearts I've never stolen a thing!!??
bellabonita's Avatar
U must be salty I turned u down huh u have alerts all over oh2 lol
bellabonita's Avatar
Down2clown banned (ourhome)
HoustonAstros1962 (banned on eccie)
Liquorsnatch777 (banned on eccie)
Football fanatic (on P411 but he’s banned there )
Seapro62 (current eccie handle)

I know all about u big guy
Cendell M's Avatar
Yep that’s him if he don’t get past your screening he cries like a baby and name calls. Good looking out girl.

Also olifieldTRASH ( banned)
markemark (banned)
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
What about the thievery that you are known for? Have you turned over a new leaf? Originally Posted by SeaPro62

Texas City, man do I remember Texas City. I used to go down there, slip on a double rubber and fuck all those hairy ass ugly dock side whores. I mean these were the skankiest and ugliest women on earth, haven't cleaned out their snatch in fucking years. Likely as not seapro, I might've met your mama.
Cendell M's Avatar
[^^^ I’m sorry but that’s some funny shit right there
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-31-2023, 07:07 PM
Texas City, man do I remember Texas City. I used to go down there, slip on a double rubber and fuck all those hairy ass ugly dock side whores. I mean these were the skankiest and ugliest women on earth, haven't cleaned out their snatch in fucking years. Likely as not seapro, I might've met your mama. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Shouldn't you be double strapping it for all whores?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Everyone, play nice.