Provider Longevity

TBONE's Avatar
  • 07-19-2009, 08:53 AM
With the return of a "legend" and the influx of new young providers,it made me wonder:

What makes a lady last along time in this business? Why can some leave and return without skipping a beat, and finally why do some "crash and burn" quickly?

Would love to hear our ladies opinions on what it is that keeps you working for as long as you desire to?
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-19-2009, 09:26 AM
well tbone you know i haven't been in the business all that long just a
couple of years so i can only speak for myself, i think i have a gracious,
compassionate and loving heart....i dont judge a person by his color, size
or me everyone has a special quality you just have to take the
time and find it and then the outer appearance doesn't matter....and it
shouldn't anyway...see when you come to visit me i love to sit on the
couch and try to get to know you and find that connection with you, so
that when we do make it back to bcd we will have a connection there as
well....and that is so important... i do believe that is how i have come to
have so many repeat clients, it really isn't work for me....i believe the good
qualities come from with in, just be yourself and everything else just falls
into place.....
Most of the long time ladies follow the " Golden Rule". They treat people fairly, respectfully, and honestly. They try to keep the drama down to a minimum. They may be GFE, but conduct themselves in a " business like manner." most have also learned to live within their means, responsibly, so they are not in a chronic state of uproar and desperation. They guard their reputation.

I would also say that MOST have mananged to escape ( likely thru screening and being selective) too many of the BAD BOYS. They have not been ill treated to the point where they walk away in disgust. Those that have had bad encounters have enough faith in people to understand there are a few bad apples, but overall, most people are decent.

Common sense and common courtesy would describe most of the longtimers.

T.O.B.'s Avatar
Most of the long time ladies follow the " Golden Rule". They treat people fairly, respectfully, and honestly. They try to keep the drama down to a minimum. They may be GFE, but conduct themselves in a " business like manner." most have also learned to live within their means, responsibly, so they are not in a chronic state of uproar and desperation. They guard their reputation.

I would also say that MOST have mananged to escape ( likely thru screening and being selective) too many of the BAD BOYS. They have not been ill treated to the point where they walk away in disgust. Those that have had bad encounters have enough faith in people to understand there are a few bad apples, but overall, most people are decent.

Common sense and common courtesy would describe most of the longtimers.

LT Originally Posted by lemontrees
Could NOT have said it better myself! I agree!
BTW: Welcome to ECCIE... I am very happy to see a GREAT girl "YOU" here.

chipper's Avatar
The ones that make it for a long time enjoy what they are doing, do not have any drama and just take care of business. The ones with drama seem to burn out and crash. There are exceptions to every rule but this is my observation.
I truly find my dates uplifting. It feeds my ego to know a gentleman chose me out of all of the lovely ladies out there~ some younger; some slimmer; yet he chose me.

Most gentlemen make an effort to make me feel good~ through both conversation and touch, which makes this "job" a pleasure.

I am very low-volume which makes each encounter feel very special, allowing me time to have a luxurious bath, moisturize, and do other preparations in anticipation, preparing mentally as well as physically so that I'm relaxed and receptive.

It's exciting!

I think the ladies who have a high volume for a long period of time burn out.

When my volume started to increase too much to keep the dates special, I toyed with a couple of limitations (not seeing new clients, or not accepting evening dates), but finally chose a 2-hour minimum as a way to keep my number of engagements low enough for me to be fresh and excited for each one.

My philosophy is that I'm in this for the long-haul, not to make a lot of money fast. So I incorporate this hobby as a special part-time aspect to a full life.
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
I think everyone made some great points. I gotta agree. I've only been in the business for a little over 2 1/2 years now, and I think one of the keys is to take care of yourself... get lots of rest, pamper yourself (massages), each time put away some $ and save it, stay drama-free, and most importantly: be yourself
Introuble's Avatar
I think the key to longevity is knowing your limitations, and only doing it if you truly love it. To do so otherwise is insuring burn out, poor reviews, and ultimately a drop in business.........retired.

It takes a special type of person to be a FS provider publicly to everyone who is interested. Some people just like sex, like to fuck, and figure it is an easy way to make a buck. Those people need not apply because they will not last long. Others who have done this and done it well will tell you they love sex, people, and having sex WITH people. They enjoy their job.

There are many providers over the years I have tried to help get early retirement. They were simply bad for business.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Good topic!

I put my mission statement *so to speak* in my siggy line:

The hobby is an investment in your time & money and my time & reputation.

I've enjoyed 3.5 yrs of wonderful encounters and have about a 60% return client base. My initial success stemmed from responsiveness in my TCB skills, genuine manner, and a very good staple product. *ahem - bbbj's* Over time, fellas who were more adventurous discovered & shared my fuller menu which brought a different set of clients. I maintained a consistent level of TCB and quality in my sessions as well as being a regular and thoughtful board contributor *not "look at me!"*. Integrity is very important to me in everything I do and this engenders long-term relationships.

Had I not run off w/ that guitar player my senior year I would have used my voice scholarships and become a psychologist. In a roundabout way, I made that goal. Just not the "official" kind w/ the fancy certificate on the wall. I'm told I'm "comfortable" to be around so people are quickly at ease & tend to open up to me. I do truly enjoy people and getting to know what makes them tick. Like Fawn, I believe everyone has something special to offer. This is a very intimate business, so you have to be even more tolerant, compassionate and respectful of your clients to allow for comfort levels and trust to develop. You can't be about the cover, either. It's about the man inside.

The only thoughts I have about leaving the community are what would I possibly do that I enjoy as much? NOTHING I simply can't imagine myself in any other role - at least not at this time in my life. I haven't ever felt burn-out, although when biz is slower, the workaholic in me starts worrying that I'm not wanted anymore. *pout*sniff* That's when I reach out & get some support from the community & end up saying something silly like "I need to spank myself!!* and everything's ok.

Happy Hobbying!!
