Direct TV kicks OAN off

eyecu2's Avatar
Well I'm sure some would complain that this is removing conservative voices, but these idiots are literally "flat earther's" who need to go. I think anyone who uses the noun news should be held to the fairness doctrine. The whole opinion news format is a ruse for let us tell you anything we want's probably a lie th...
bambino's Avatar
Well, why isn’t Disney pulling CNN. Their ratings are lower than Biden’s and their employees like forbidden topics. At least people at AON aren’t perverts.
Letsplaypgh's Avatar
Not that you know of. They’ve barely been around long enough to screw up like that. Besides, even if they did, their viewers would probably deny it as some FBI false flag operation or BLM/Antifa shenanigans. ��
... No. It's removing conservative voices.
TRUMP was talking about it at the Rally this evening.

Things are gonna be a-changin' later this year.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
... No. It's removing conservative voices.
TRUMP was talking about it at the Rally this evening.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yeah?!! Ok at the Trump Rally of subversive anarchists? I hope all you boot- licking assholes are vanquished from public media.

We'll see what happens..
berryberry's Avatar
So this is just another example of libs cheering on censorship of conservatives.

If DirectTV removed CNN and its resident perverts, we know the libs would be crying out the wazoo. But remove a conservation media voice and to libs all is well and just

People who are two faced like this are disgusting. I have never watched OAN but do not support them being removed - just as I would not support CNN being removed either. When anyone starts censoring points of view they disagree with, it is extremely dangerous
eyecu2's Avatar
I think hateful fucks like this deserve the deaths they get. These are not points if view, they are rhetoric anarchists who want to unfurl the American flag for ppl who deserve a traitors salute.
Letsplaypgh's Avatar
Direct TV is a private business and doesn’t have to cater to your bs. Think of it like this: DTV is a private bakery and OANN is the gay couple looking for a cake. All y’all bitched about not giving the bakery the right to choose who they serve but now you want to turn that around when the shoes in the other foot.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If I remember correctly the bakery was forced to comply. Lefty’s love fascism.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OAN is a source of lies, conspiracy theory and disinformation, stoking the type of violence and hatred that brought us MTG, Paul Gosar and of course Donald Trump and his January 6 Rolling Dipshit revue.

Getting dropped from Direct TV is too good for them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, why isn’t Disney pulling CNN. Their ratings are lower than Biden’s and their employees like forbidden topics. At least people at AON aren’t perverts. Originally Posted by bambino
That’s a scatter shot approach of a response.

Indicates you’re low on ordinance.
eyecu2's Avatar
If I remember correctly the bakery was forced to comply. Lefty’s love fascism. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
A. The supreme court sided with the bakery ultimately as the owner was asserting their religious beliefs by limiting access to baking for a gay couple.

B. Making incorrect assumptions to feed a false narrative, is not part of this thread.

C. The real fascism is the narrative of many far-right wing groups and their "news" outlets who want to change the narrative, by the continued throwing out old disproven ideas relating to Fauci, vote counts etal, all filled with evil conspiracies incl the likes of Soros, baby eating, pizza shop pedophiles; all driven by absurd false conclusions in order to demonize the left. Republican fanatics latch onto this as it helps them drive a narrative- regardless of facts. Elimination of these opinion propaganda machines is welcome as those who truly drive these false narratives are dangerous to a society.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I didn’t assume anything, which is why I qualified the statement. I remembered them losing the case, which they apparently did until the SC bitch slapped the lower court. Good on them.

You need to look into the definition of fascism, because it’s exactly what you’re promoting.
HDGristle's Avatar
Edit: leaving it be, nvm
Yeah?!! Ok at the Trump Rally of subversive anarchists? I hope all you boot- licking assholes are vanquished from public media.

We'll see what happens.. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Crikey! ... Maybe this thread should be reported.
But it won't be me who does the reporting.

Maybe YOU should turn your-own self in.

Virtue is its-own reward.

#### Salty