This is the shit that makes a community stronger

HDGristle's Avatar

It's a couple of drops of positivity into a fairly empty bucket these days, but nice to see the coaches and kids finding a common cause to get in a workout and help out their neighbors.

This is something I would have expected Wendy Bell to have highlighted on her show as one of the good news items she would try to focus on.

Classy move from the coaches and kudos to the team.
eyecu2's Avatar
It's great to see the leaders of students and the coaches directing the students in such positive ways. Helping your neighbor or doing a good deed for the sake of humanity or just to feel good for helping someone else. Awesome stuff. Now if only we could get some of that positive mojo into other areas of society!!
HDGristle's Avatar
I couldn't agree more
I noticed I didn't see any long steep driveways. I'd give my nuts to have a short flat driveway to shovel instead of the 45° monstrosity that took me 2 days to shovel out
HDGristle's Avatar
I got a 45 degree part in mine. Have the luxury of parking on the flat part above it and taking care of the rest at my leisure.

I picture yours is 45 almost all the way to the street?
... Too right, mates.

Doing good things for your neighbours surely TRUMPS everything!

#### Salty
I got a 45 degree part in mine. Have the luxury of parking on the flat part above it and taking care of the rest at my leisure.

I picture yours is 45 almost all the way to the street? Originally Posted by HDGristle

Yep! And curved. Only flat spot is at the very top. The slabs have lifted over the years. Some spots are raised up 3". Would cost a fortune to replace.

To make it even more challenging, the neighbor across the street parks right across from it, so have fun sliding down & trying not to hit her car.

Anyone in the car with me usually holds on going up, like its a roller coaster ride. And I always said, if you can back down with out hesitating you're a damn good driver!