Providers with videos

I've noticed many providers lately posting videos of themselves on various sites on the web, as a way to extend their advertising. Great idea, so why not go one step further and have a professional quality DVD produced featuring your videos?

Having your own DVD would open up many opportunities for you. Examples are:

Provide a link to purchase your DVD when you post a video online.

Sell your DVD to your clients.

Offer your DVD in a contest of your making.

Distribute your DVD as an electronic business card.

I work as a freelance multimedia designer in Dallas, Texas, but do provide my services world wide. One of my specialties is the production of high quality DVDs. Your DVD will be produced per your instructions. It will feature a start up menu with scene selection menus. You can also include a photo gallery, bonus features, etc. Cover art and disc art will also be provided. You will hold all rights to your DVD, and will be free to copy and distribute it as you choose.

I do not offer filming of video. All videos used to produce your DVD will be provided by you.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, feel free to PM me for details. I look forward to hearing from you.