Ladies, you work hard and your credit keeps you from benefiting.

cowboy45's Avatar
If this is you, I can help. It's not magic and it's not instant but over a little time and with some work, we can get your credit much better.
I have been helping people with their credit for five years and have had really good success. I am an FCRA certified credit analyst and a certified paralegal also. What I do may not make your credit perfect and it takes some time but it will help you get a car, a home or apartment, or whatever else you need to be financed. If you are determined and willing to give it a little time, I will do all the heavy lifting and represent you with the credit agencies and creditors including collection agencies.
Score increases on all three bureaus of over 100 points per bureau or more is not at all unusual.
With some time and persistence, things will get much better. I am always glad to talk to anyone about this.
Ladies, I do trade or cash and guys too, no sessions but anything of value or cash and it's not that expensive. Just PM me here for more details and get on the road to better credit. Now is a great time to get started