A favor from the ladies - The Weekend Lineup

Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Ladies of ECCIE,

We have had a little discussion going and many of us would like to ask a small favor. There was some debate about raising the subject in the open because we don't want to insult anyone, or call anyone out. But this has been on our minds.

Some of us like to hobby on weekends. And, thoughtfully, the powers that be at ECCIE world headquarters have a special ad forum for us and for ladies who are available to meet our needs. The problem is, certain ladies are posting "Weekend Lineup" hours who don't work weekends. Needless to say that's kind of frustrating. While we understand that you all want to get your name out there as much as possible, we hope you understand how frustrating it is for us to contact a girl who posts an ad in the Weekend Lineup section who only works Monday to Friday.

We'd kind of appreciate it if the Weekend Lineup" ads were limited to people who actually work weekends.

Thank you for your time an understanding.


The ECCIE Weekend Hobbyists
pmdelites's Avatar
plus 47 on the above.

and nicely worded, sharktrager.

seriously, ladies, if you are going to post in weekend or even the regular ad section [which i realize only takes a few minutes to do so], please do so if you really will be taking appts. us weekend hobbyists would really appreciate as it wont waste your time nor ours.
I have struck out for two days straight on the weekend before, I really wish the weekend line up would be for the weekend. I have called some ladies within minutes of them posting on Saturday to find out they are either not available on the weekend or they are not offering incall at this time even though their ad says they do? Very confused by this, I really miss VIP and Studio 1 which were always a great back up plan on the weekends.
LazurusLong's Avatar
+100000 on wishing those posting in the Weekend forum really planned to work at least one of the two days AND mentioned which day(s) they would be available and what times.

It has become so worthless that I find better luck looking to get laid on Backpage because over there, if they're paying for the ad for a weekend, they plan on answering the phone and getting naked.

Here? Not so much.
berkleigh's Avatar
Well sometimes I am not in town but its my birthday monday, I will be here and posting tomorrow so that means I will actually be here this weekend!

*gasp* I know I am never home, but am this weekend

Very nicely written, clear, and to the point. I hope some may have read and will comply.


Ladies of ECCIE,

We have had a little discussion going and many of us would like to ask a small favor. There was some debate about raising the subject in the open because we don't want to insult anyone, or call anyone out. But this has been on our minds.

Some of us like to hobby on weekends. And, thoughtfully, the powers that be at ECCIE world headquarters have a special ad forum for us and for ladies who are available to meet our needs. The problem is, certain ladies are posting "Weekend Lineup" hours who don't work weekends. Needless to say that's kind of frustrating. While we understand that you all want to get your name out there as much as possible, we hope you understand how frustrating it is for us to contact a girl who posts an ad in the Weekend Lineup section who only works Monday to Friday.

We'd kind of appreciate it if the Weekend Lineup" ads were limited to people who actually work weekends.

Thank you for your time an understanding.


The ECCIE Weekend Hobbyists Originally Posted by sharktrager
LazurusLong's Avatar
Well sometimes I am not in town but its my birthday monday, I will be here and posting tomorrow so that means I will actually be here this weekend! Originally Posted by berkleigh

Please be sure to say whether than means both days or only one. Remember, you don't need to post your weekend ad on Thursday, why not wait until late Friday if you are not certain which days and what times.

Most guys are like me, we get an itch, we want to scratch it and if you are on our list of to-do ladies, if you post an ad for a weekend when we want to get laid and you aren't really working, you get bumped way down or even off the list.
TexTushHog's Avatar
One thing that I've found helpful, and that some providers actually already do, is to post which days on the weekend that they plan to work (and in some cases, provide approximate hours). That way, if you're looking at 8 p.m. on Sunday night, you don't bother girls that aren't working, nor do you needlessly expend your time on leads that don't pan out. Very, very helpful.

Just my two cents on the subject.
netman's Avatar
I NEED BIRTHDAY LOVE....... Originally Posted by berkleigh

I promise to bring candy and flowers.

I agree with shark on this as well. But it is all in the name of "MARKETING." I for one enjoy working weekends and I am always available on the weekends. Hey girl needs a break from all the errand running on the weekends!!! *WINK*WINK*
On the flip side of the coin-- for the love of all that is good and kinky, check a girls schedule before contacting her. I always post my hours CLEARLY on each and every ad, yet I still get guys who are annoyed that I can't come over for outcall at 11PM.
Amen! Plus 1! We go there to find out who is available over the weekend, not next Wednesday.
Ladies of ECCIE,

We have had a little discussion going and many of us would like to ask a small favor. There was some debate about raising the subject in the open because we don't want to insult anyone, or call anyone out. But this has been on our minds.

Some of us like to hobby on weekends. And, thoughtfully, the powers that be at ECCIE world headquarters have a special ad forum for us and for ladies who are available to meet our needs. The problem is, certain ladies are posting "Weekend Lineup" hours who don't work weekends. Needless to say that's kind of frustrating. While we understand that you all want to get your name out there as much as possible, we hope you understand how frustrating it is for us to contact a girl who posts an ad in the Weekend Lineup section who only works Monday to Friday.

We'd kind of appreciate it if the Weekend Lineup" ads were limited to people who actually work weekends.

Thank you for your time an understanding.


The ECCIE Weekend Hobbyists Originally Posted by sharktrager
Lauren Lane's Avatar
For some reason I really enjoy working Saturday/Sundays!! Sessions are usually more relaxed because the gent doesn't have to rush back to work or rushing from traffic AND no room juggling normally with my roomies
Please post not only if you're actually working the weekends, but the "answering phone" / "actual working hours" as well... as some of us are night owls.

Thank you.
I've always like working weekends. I'll be happy when the weather cools and and I can go back to full hours on Sundays too. I take a day off when I need it but I leave a message in my vmail for anyone who calls.