for the adventure

I would like to see if providers input. I have had long conversations with a "retired" provider about this subject and would like to see if anyone else is willing to enlighten me.

Ladies i know for some it is about the $ . But some have decent jobs and families from what i understand.
Sexual desires aside. Is there a certain thrill you are chasing? Adventure? Like bungee jumping or riding a roller coaster.

Are any of you in it because you seek the excitement of something that only you and few others know?
  • 2dogs
  • 09-19-2016, 11:51 PM
They input quite often.......
pyramider's Avatar
Another one ...
I searched and did not come up with anything. Apologies if the subject has been over done
For some women it is about the dollars? Be real dude, it is about the dollars for ALL the women. If it is about the sex, which lady on here cannot go and pick up a dude any where and get fucked. They all can, they don't because they are in it for the cash. Women do not prospire to become a prostitute, they become a prostitute because there is Damn good money in it. Where else can a woman with no education, no skills, no training, make well over six figures tax free annually?
Think about it, a woman that sees only 2 men a day, each for only an hour and charges the low price of $250 is making $130,000 tax free, for 10 hours work a week. That is good money. Any woman here can do that easily, and what about multi hours, when she sees 8 guys on a Saturday well the numbers multiply exponentially.
No woman wants ugly fat ass bald men touching them, she tolerates us and is only in it for thenmoney. Wake up! She does not like you, she likes your cash. Women do not view sex like men do, she needs to feel attached and with the man on a deeper level for her to actually enjoy it. If you see the same woman over and over tends to get more comfortable because she is less disgusted by you as she gets to know you. You pay for pussy so she is always disgusted by you, just become more tolerable to her. All about the cash dude!
For some women it is about the dollars? Be real dude, it is about the dollars for ALL the women. If it is about the sex, which lady on here cannot go and pick up a dude any where and get fucked. They all can, they don't because they are in it for the cash. Women do not prospire to become a prostitute, they become a prostitute because there is Damn good money in it. Where else can a woman with no education, no skills, no training, make well over six figures tax free annually?
Think about it, a woman that sees only 2 men a day, each for only an hour and charges the low price of $250 is making $130,000 tax free, for 10 hours work a week. That is good money. Any woman here can do that easily, and what about multi hours, when she sees 8 guys on a Saturday well the numbers multiply exponentially.
No woman wants ugly fat ass bald men touching them, she tolerates us and is only in it for thenmoney. Wake up! She does not like you, she likes your cash. Women do not view sex like men do, she needs to feel attached and with the man on a deeper level for her to actually enjoy it. If you see the same woman over and over tends to get more comfortable because she is less disgusted by you as she gets to know you. You pay for pussy so she is always disgusted by you, just become more tolerable to her. All about the cash dude! Originally Posted by Boudin3112
Thank you for your opinion.

Im refering to educated, professionals (in other fields) with decent jobs that still do it. And for the record I dont see a provider. They are few and far between out here in the sticks. I have only met one ,in person, in my life that admitted it to me anyway.
Name a 24 year old with a college education pulling in six figures. Name a 44 year old woman with two doctorate degrees and 20 years experience pulling $450,000 after taxes. That is the realistic potential of a prostitute here. Not many out there can make the cash they make prostituting. Very few, so no matter how educated or trained or age or anything, women want the cash. No person does this crap for adventure, she can go rock climbing for that. Abd no prostitute will tell you she does it for the cash, not smart marketing for her. Look at the ads my friend, most say "I love what I do" that is marketing none of them love it. They love the riches. Notice how many women responded??? Not going to have a lot respond, bad marketing. Hope that helps you to understand.
Well, in response to B-3112, lets see how fast I can ruin my business here, lol. I have been following this thread, but have not responded because I'm not sure I can provide a perspective that speaks for the majority, but here goes... Of course I do this for the money. But, why does it have to be one or the other? I also enjoy what I do. That said, I enjoy it because of how I approach it and truthfully, it probably costs me a LOT of money... but what it DOESN'T cost me in the long run both physically and emotionally makes it a fair trade in my book. I am very selective regarding who I see. For the most part, I stick to a dozen or so fellas with whom I have a great repoire. I turn down most new client requests unless they are willing to take the time to not only go through screening, but also get to know each other first via email and then drinks or dinner. That builds intimacy. I genuinely get excited about the friendships that evolve from that. In turn, that makes it more fun for us both... It also creates a much safer environment, so the thrill of any risk is virtually non-existent. I am going to commit a cardinal sin here in sharing that I make about 60k/yr gross... I am certainly not wealthy, but its enough and I am happy. I have plenty of ambition that extends far beyond hobbying and as that part of my life grows, I will fade away from this scene. Hopefully though, I will be able to take some of those friendships with me. Its the entire journey that inspires me the most (and the occasional playtime is a nice perk, too ;-)
Thanks for your response Vegas Jen. She pretty much says what I am saying. She is slowly getting away from prostituting and into her civilian job. Why would a person that enjoys what she is doing move away from doing it? Because it is not all that enjoyable, her civilian job is better or she would not lean toward it.
According to her she does not see new clients and very long and tedious process to become a client. This has not been my experience at all with prostitutes and I commend her for not being in the norm. She sees about 3 men a week to gross $60,000. That is 3 hours of work a week which is great cash for her and gives her lots of time to pursue her other income. Also, it is safer for her to reply as she seems to be moving away from the industry and she is not very open to new clients. Vegas Jen, again thank you.
You are incorrect...
1. I do enjoy this at this stage in my life. Mid-40's, I still look decent, my sex drive is intact... I am realistic enough to know those things wont last indefinitely though, and when they fade, so will my enjoyment. That is not a sacrifice I am willing to make. My sexuality, my integrity, and my self worth all mean far too much to me to ignore for something as temporary as money. The one promise I made to myself when I began this adventure was that I would never allow myself to feel desperate. Desperation leads to poor decisions. That, to me, is far scarier than just riding out whatever storm life throws my way. So my exit strategy is one that is gradual and will allow me to always look back on this part of my life and smile.
2. Your math is way off. Three visits a week at 350 (the average hourly rate here) and 3.5 weeks per month (no menopause here...) would only be 44,100 per year. I almost never do single hours though, so thats irrelevant... 3/wk on avg is about right for me, but they are always 2hr+ appts. Add to that travel time and prep time... and the fact that most of my visits go over. Your projected 3hrs/week is now about 15. Its still a good gig, no complaints there.
3. I DO pay taxes. You would be surprised how many girls do. It sucks dishing out 10-20k every year, but in the long term, its worth it...
Maybe my math is wrong, but prep time, commuting, does not count we all commute and prep for work without pay, that is just life. $60,000/350=171.43 hours per year. Divide 171.43 by 52 weeks equals 3.3 hours per week.
I have seen prostitutes tax returns and they actually get EIC which means no they don't pay taxes, they file but don't pay, they actually collect. Not saying you do this and I take you at your word but my experience shows otherwise. You say you enjoy your work, again i take you at your word, but my experience has shown that while most advertise and say they enjoy it, they really do not.
EIC is for families, not my situation. With deductions I still paid a painfully large chunk.
If it was quick and random I would not enjoy this. But I get to know everyone I see, so there is always more to it than that.
It sounds to me like your experiences have left you jaded. I am sorry to hear that... There is good and bad in every scenario and in every person. What part you see and experience has everything to do with your own attitude. So please understand, you only speak for yourself here.
EIC is for families, not my situation. With deductions I still paid a painfully large chunk.
If it was quick and random I would not enjoy this. But I get to know everyone I see, so there is always more to it than that.
It sounds to me like your experiences have left you jaded. I am sorry to hear that... There is good and bad in every scenario and in every person. What part you see and experience has everything to do with your own attitude. So please understand, you only speak for yourself here. Originally Posted by VegasJen
Thank you for your input. Adventure and extra money. I can respect that. Im only asking to satisfy my own curiosity. Im glad a lady chimed in.
Solitaire's Avatar
Maybe my math is wrong, but prep time, commuting, does not count we all commute and prep for work without pay, that is just life. Originally Posted by Boudin3112
You are obviously NOT a business owner.
Solitaire's Avatar
Thank you for your opinion.

Im refering to educated, professionals (in other fields) with decent jobs that still do it. And for the record I dont see a provider. They are few and far between out here in the sticks. I have only met one ,in person, in my life that admitted it to me anyway. Originally Posted by countrycurious
Once you are educated, and working in a professional environment (contracted deals rather than $/hrs) there is a shift in thinking. You see "rainmakers" in action every day. You realize it is possible pull in way more per block of time than by mere hourly wage work or salary. You start realizing that there are a variety of "needs" out in the community that you can satisfy. (remember ole Ben Franklin?) That's really all any business is, meeting a need in the community, and that community rewards you with resources.

The shift in thinking actually occurred much earlier for me, before my education was complete and before I ever entered a professional office work environment. I was dating this guy, and he and his buddy both had regular wage jobs. They were riding around town together one day and saw several buildings in severe disrepair, but the wood was still good. So they made some calls, got permission to tear down the buildings, found buyers for the wood, and over a single weekend made about $5000 cash. I was floored. And I never saw "work" the same way again.