Zero tolerance for racism

Cozyfratboy's Avatar
It seems that in Texas being an AA is a big deal to a lot of women in the biz. It make ht hard for good men such as my self to find the perfect mate. Never had this problem in LA or Chicago but here it is southern thinking, no alternative. I never asked for a hand out or felt like I deserve more then the next man. Maybe it's just me but it seem more then 80% of the women I try to talk to only have eyes for the "certain" race (old people). I'm a great tipper and a fun person. Sure most people call me trust fund kid but that's just a given. I'm sure if some of you women won't don't accept AA men would just have me as a client JUST ONCE, I would change your mind completely. Most likely would happen, I mean look at Georgia, they had there first unsegregated high school prom a few months ago. Don't you just love the south.
I do not discriminate sweetie. To me it is not the color of ones skin rather the personality and manners one has that counts. You could be purple with green polka dots for all i care as long as you are a truly nice guy who knows how to treat a lady than your good with me. Being a conceded ass or woman hater is what i am prejudice against. I would love to meet some time and play. I have some great aa clients.
I love seeing all gentlemen doesn't matter the race . I will not see a man that speaks to me in the wrong way or if I get a bad vibe from him . But, this has nothing to do with race at all . If you are making me uncomfortable when speaking to me I can only imagine how I would feel in person . I have seen many AA from the boards and they have all been perfect gentlemen in person . I have enjoyed the time I have spent with them . I am visiting Plano for another day if there is anyone that has this same problem wants to have some fun .. Kisses PoP
ManSlut's Avatar
Well you have seen at least one white chick because you reviewed her. If your JUST ONCE formula works you should be able to parlay her as a reference to use to see other ladies, assuming you are, ALL THAT.

My other thoughts:

1) Your avatar resembles a pic of a recent newbie claiming to be a sad sac virgin college boy who couldn't get laid posted saying it was his pic of himself.

2) I can't speak for Californias or Chicagos or Georgias but it's never a good idea to critique the people of an area you are new to or unaccustomed to...It makes the people of that area want to tell you take yourself back where you came from.

3) See my post #5 on this thread and it may explain part of the prejudice you experience.
Cozyfratboy's Avatar
No I seen 4 white chicks on eccie 2 on bp but I asked lots of eccie chick (not just white) trust me, there's a big difference in other states.
I can agree with most of that. Well Im AA friendly. Respect is key factor. White Black whatever
It's not just that way for guys hon... female providers have that same issue here with guys not wanting to see AA... I'm from the noth so yes since I've been here in Tx... I see more saying no AA... but all that can be done is move forward...
Cozyfratboy's Avatar
Man slut, your intel and advice is well appreciated. Your observations on this subject are mostly right on the money. I take helpful criticisms in the way of change. I am only human, nothing else. I see the world of the late great Gandhi (treat others how you want to be treated). As the picture goes for my avatar, represents a comic rapper and and nothing else. It is not a picture of me at all. Although I am nerdy at time, I'm more towards a frat boy jock then anything. As a Psychology Grad, I understand the intentions of psychological analysis with the literary feedback. I'm not saying your wrong in anyway, more so right about a lot. I just want you to know your post #5 was helpful. If was something I knew already but heard in a different light. Unfortunately from the spectrum of my eyes, it changes nothing, some men take advantage of women, leaving good men like us with all the references and all the verifications out to dry. Sad truth but not always bad.
Cozyfratboy's Avatar
Yea I hear you on that, it's never good to feel that way when your skin color is the crime. Crazy but colorful lol
LazurusLong's Avatar
There is a HUGE "Super" thread about this issue in the National discussion forum and members from all views have talked this to death.

Race super thread:

Best to go spend some time reading that Super thread because of the information it provides.

My personal .02.

I have sometimes gone to checking out various porn stars and this topic of choosing who to fuck is not limited to just the hobby. Porn stars come from all over the country so to label this area as somehow more racist that any other is insulting.

Sadly, from the posting by many AA guys on those porn star forum threads, it appears that way too many AA guys feel that porn stars are required to fuck black men and take great offense if the porn star does not. There are plenty of porn stars who do great without doing anal, creampies or black porn stars. A couple posts by female porn stars have indicated that a a group, black male porn stars seem to completely ignore any "rules" about behavior on the set and I've read numerous posts by the women stating the black stars were way too rough and abusive and BTW, size of cock has nothing to do with the complaints, it is attitude the female porn stars post about.

It seems the same way here in this thread. I'm not saying you have that exact opinion that any provider is REQUIRED to see you but your post really screams out that you somehow feel that any provider you want to see is required to see you or they must be racist when it is just the opposite based on so many other threads on ECCIE and overall discussions here.

A provider can and must choose to see anyone they want. And if they have chosen to not see black men for whatever reason, your calling them racist for that choice is not only very racist itself but also ignores the providers ability to see who she wants and that should never be acceptable from any client.

I know many black providers who will not see black clients. Just saw a black body rub girl recently who told me she refuses to see black men and gave her reasons but they are not mine to share.

I know black women who will not date black men because of an "attitude" they get from the black men about how the guys want them to be faithful while the guy is trying to get into every pair of pants he see even if he is with her!

So this cuts across more than just the hobby.

Do you feel that any woman you meet out in the civilian world MUST accept and agree to go on a date with you no matter what color skin she has? If not, why do you feel your demands to see who you want should somehow over ride her choices on who she fucks in this hobby?
whenever i hear people whine about being discriminated against, i discriminate against them.

on a lighter note...if you call your fraternity a "frat", what do you call your country?
LickerLicense's Avatar
Go to where you are wanted. If I don't like Walmart I go to Thom Thumb or Kroger. Not everyone likes Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, or Peach. This is a personal contact hobby. People are much more picky over race, age, weight, hygiene, etc. You are beating a dead horse. When I spend my money I want to get what I want and I ask questions going in, that way NO DISAPPOINTMENTS. I have been haranged for that myself by the girls in the Powder Room. I could care less, it's my money and choice.
Im AA and a newbie and I've had zero problems with finding providers with the exception of one...and she was AA too.
Cozyfratboy's Avatar
whenever i hear people whine about being discriminated against, i discriminate against them.

on a lighter note...if you call your fraternity a "frat", what do you call your country? Originally Posted by steviewinwood
Coming from the guy who is "Very fragile, delicate, and sensitive." Rotflmfao!!!!
I would encourage non-private time with providers you're interested in. See if any would be interested in meeting for appetizers, and don't hint at seeing them for anymore than just that. Offer them half or 2/3 of their normal hourly rate. Let the entire date occur without mention of meeting again.

The following day, after you've established a connection, see if it they're interested in seeing you on a different level. The provider might make an exception to her rule specifically for you.

Then, if I were a client, if she advertised no AA, I would for sure not write a review at all. Keep it to yourself.