Ladies: observation from.a man

First off this isn't an ad or an ISO. I am new to the hobby, but I think I have already met the few ladies I'm going to want to see regularly.

I've just noticed something about women, all women including sexy confident women. It seems no matter how beautiful or confident you are when you look at yourself all you see are the flaws. Honestly, its not what I see or would want you to see or think of yourselves.

I know men post reviews belittling even the slightest flaws. It's a reflection of their own insecurity. No one is or ever will be perfect. I don't like you because you are perfect. I like you because of the time we share together. I only hope you enjoy it a tiny bit as much as I do. I am so far from perfect. I hope you focus on my good qualities and not my flaws.

But when you women talk about one another you see each others beauty and no flaws. I've had many of you rave about other ladies to me. While I really respect this, please stop being so hard on yourselves. You do not deserve it.

And when a man tells you that you are beautiful, he is rarely lying. The correct response is a smile, hug, and or kiss.

Kaylee has in her signature that all you women are beautiful just the way you are. It isn't just a bunch of words. Its the truth. Please cut yourself a lot of slack. I wish all of you could see yourselves as a sincere man sees you.

What a nice thing to say about the ladies you saw. Its too bad you don't right reviews. I think you are a very objective and honest person. I'm sure others see that too. Hugs!!!
daty/o's Avatar
Man Tony, what a kiss ass.

(I agree, though)
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Man Tony, what a kiss ass.

(I agree, though) Originally Posted by daty/o

When I'm complimented, I say thank you.
I appreciate compliments. Makes me feel good. When I compliment someone, I am sincere. It's nice to hear thank you rather than be brushed off.
I suppose it's hard for a lot of people to receive or believe a compliment.
I sometimes like to kiss or suck ass..... But most people who know me would tell you I'm more of the confident a hole type. I try like hell to be nice and polite but my tolerance for BS doesn't exist, but I love a great joke.

Ladies, please for my sanity, cut yourselves some slack. You all can be so complimentary of each other yet down on yourself a bit. If I were half as sexy as many of you, I'd be so arrogant I'd be unbearable.
THN, there are lots of reasons I want to avoid reviews.

1) drama they can generate
2) ymmv, while I may click with someone and we may go all out, someone else may have a not so good experience
3) lastly I don't want everyone to know every detail of what I do, like, dislike etc. It's not that I'm freaky or anything I just dont like sharing things I do for me.
4). This kind of continues 3, but I do this for me. It's not for anyone else. It's between me and whoever I'm spending my time with.

Now if a woman really wanted me to write a review for her and she asked at the right moment when I am weak and vulnerable, I would probably honor her request. But I probably don't have to worry about that.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
You are so correct bbtony!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to remind these great ladies that there is VALUE in WHO we are as women. Confidence is a HUGE turn of for men and women should take the time to see the beauty we have.

It's men like YOU who keep the hobby fun.

I really appreciate what you did today.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
THN, there are lots of reasons I want to avoid reviews.

1) drama they can generate
2) ymmv, while I may click with someone and we may go all out, someone else may have a not so good experience
3) lastly I don't want everyone to know every detail of what I do, like, dislike etc. It's not that I'm freaky or anything I just dont like sharing things I do for me.
4). This kind of continues 3, but I do this for me. It's not for anyone else. It's between me and whoever I'm spending my time with.

Now if a woman really wanted me to write a review for her and she asked at the right moment when I am weak and vulnerable, I would probably honor her request. But I probably don't have to worry about that. Originally Posted by bbtony
Yet, you benefit from the reviews others do. You don't have to give the exact date and time, nor every detail, but let us know in general the good qualities you see in the women you grace with your presence.
Kaylee, thank you.

JL, I'm actually on a word of mouth system now. I get recs from the ladies I already know.

I had a great one yesterday, but I asked can't I just see you again instead?
TinMan's Avatar
Since I joined aspd in 2001, and continuing to this day, I've managed to write quite a few reviews without creating drama, hurt feelings (except perhaps the few "no's" I've reported) or other problems for myself.

Every male member should contribute, whether it be paying for premium access or providing information. Negative feedback can be delivered in a thoughtful manner, and may actually be useful to the lady in question.
Well like everyone have said that was sweet and hope some of the girls take it to heart. Really sweet bb here are your kisses, hugs, and licks..
Bbtony, as TinMan said, this place is about sharing info. "Information Exchange..."...the last two words in the acronym.

This place would be nothing without guys and Providers sharing their experiences, especially in reviews. You seem to have a decent grasp of the king's English. So as a confident man, you don't need to worry about drama.
OldGrump's Avatar
Good post, Tony. The choice to write reviews is a personal one. Some are extremely cautious about telling where and when they have hobbied. Also, it is difficult to suppress experiences that could identify you when posting if you have a natural tendency to share thoughts and feelings. Remaining anonymous while having fun is challenging.

You are right on about women's beauty and I have always admired Kaylee's signature line too. If a lady has any flaws but feels good about herself, the flaws disappear. Maybe I'm a sucker for the warmth of a smile, but I can live with that.

As Kaylee said, "Confidence is a HUGE turn of for men and women should take the time to see the beauty we have.". She is so right. Confidence will enhance one's finer features be they inside or out and amplify the attraction.
elgato111's Avatar
I agree with you Tony. The girls I have met over the years were all beautiful in my eyes no matter what they saw when they looked in the mirror. I agree, girls give yourselves some slack and enjoy how we men see you, sexy and beautiful. Great post Tony.
DallasRain's Avatar
great seem like a great guy babe!