Looks like I'm banned from Relax2013...

So, I've been to this place quite a few times over the years and have had no problems. A couple weeks ago, though, I sent a text to confirm an appointment for 11:30am at about an hour prior. She says ok, and all is well until I'm on my way and realize that in my haste I left my wallet at work. It's about 11:00-11:10 at this point. I text explaining my situation and ask her if we there was any flexibility on the time, maybe we could do 11:45 instead? Honestly, even making 11:45 would be a long shot, I'd have to drive like a bat out of hell, and I35 traffic is bad news for getting anywhere quick. She replies with a curt "No, your session starts at 11:30." Ok... So, I text back letting her know that I am going to haul ass, and do just that. Sure enough, I almost immediately hit some traffic that stops me cold. No way I'm making 11:45, it looks more like 12:15... Leaving me 15 min. As I'm parked on the highway, I text her asking if there's anyway we can reschedule? "No, you scheduled for 11:30. If you can't make it, I expect the money today or you'll be banned."


Remember, I set the appointment at 10:30, expressed issues 30-40 minutes later, and asked for a postponement maybe 10 min later... It's unlikely I actually caused her to miss anything. It was a last minute scheduling. I asked for some grace, mentioning that it's the only time I've done this, it couldn't be prevented, yet she hardline the "Pay or be banned" thing. Things got heated, and I mentioned that that was kind of a bullshit rule and I MAY have mentioned that she didn't have to be such a bitch about the whole thing. I'm sure that didn't help. I also mentioned that she had cancelled on me before. I sent her the date of the texts (and still have them) where I scheduled with a girl, and the morning of she sent me a text saying that the girl was sick.I didn't make a stink over it, and I sure as fuck didn't demand a free session. I just said "Ok :/". I did that because I'm a reasonable person and I realize that shit happens. I thought at least in light of this she'd say "Ok, guess we're even, it's all good". Nope. Banned.

So... hypocrite. And if she had been reasonable, and had just a shred of customer service I MIGHT have paid. I became pretty obstinate at the attitude, though. It felt more like "fuck you" blackmail than some sort of company policy. And what is that shit anyways? Company policy? It's a fucking happy end massage parlor, not Texas Instruments. As if she didn't have the power to do whatever the hell she wanted to.


Oh well... it is what it is... Lots of non-Relax girls out there, I just wanted to rant for a bit.
corona's Avatar
Shit happens. With a provider market like we are blessed with here, my tolerance for bullshit is low.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Their prerogative to set policy that would lead to a banning if something like this were to happen. Just as it is yours to laugh at this and enjoy the plethora of women that aren't working there all the same. Shit happens, shit results happens, make lemonade.

edit: FWIW, having someone on their end cancel an appointment isn't quite the same as you cancelling yours. They're already out the money regardless with their person not providing; but your fee could have just as easily been from someone else in that time slot. Still though, running a business with an iron fist doesn't always work out with the best results.
Boltfan's Avatar
So, they have how many women there, out of the thousand something in the greater DFW area?

Yeah, pretty much fuck them if that is their attitude.
Their prerogative to set policy that would lead to a banning if something like this were to happen. Just as it is yours to laugh at this and enjoy the plethora of women that aren't working there all the same. Shit happens, shit results happens, make lemonade.

edit: FWIW, having someone on their end cancel an appointment isn't quite the same as you cancelling yours. They're already out the money regardless with their person not providing; but your fee could have just as easily been from someone else in that time slot. Still though, running a business with an iron fist doesn't always work out with the best results. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
I hear you, and while I don't full agree with your opinion I respect it. Too bad Kendra didn't take the same tact in explaining like that. OR she could just, you know, cut me a fuckin break. lol
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 04-18-2015, 06:26 AM
I find it hilarious that banning somebody from their establishment is supposed to be such a threat or such a bad thing.
Oh no! Who could I possibly give my money to in the DFW Metroplex now?
My choices are so limited!

Since they lost a customer maybe they'll give us the honor of allowing 1 new customer now.
TinMan's Avatar
I'd actually be surprised if that isn't a common issue with them. Traffic is so bad in Dallas now, I don't see how anyone makes it anywhere on time. Their location makes it tough for a lot of people.
I think it's a bit extreme, especially for a repeat customer and it being the first time. Especially with so much competition.

I understand their point that you took a time slot that someone else might have taken instead. But they did not loose money. They just didn't make any. Unless they paid the gal anyway.

I could see a small cancellation fee for a first offense. And banning for chronic problems. But it's not like you did not communicate. And unless she had someone booked It would have been a waste of time but they would still have made the money.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If that's their motto than move on to better and greener pasteur - I surely wouldn't give a place like that my time or money- so what would have happened if the OP was on his way and got into a car wreck- if he called and said- .."Sorry just got into a fender bender I am going to be a little late...... I assume their motto would be - No- your appointment is at 11:30?????
No matter how you flip it with the exception of if the OP never called and never showed up basically NC/NS than that's different- but this is surely a No Win situation and a BAD business model.
1) The OP is a repeat client- every business wants a repeat client
2) The OP was still going to show up albeit slightly late- so the agency would still have made $$$
3) The client was honest and had the decency to call- a business wants honest customers

Now look what they have:
A. Lost a repeat client- with no future revenue coming from this person
B. In the business world a Bad Review is far more damaging than a good review b/c now that the news is out on their shady business practices this could possibly scare off any potentially new clients.
Nice job Relax!!!!!
boomvang's Avatar
Oh well... it is what it is... Lots of non-Relax girls out there, I just wanted to rant for a bit.
Originally Posted by JohnSnow
And a good rant is was John Snow. Being a little prone to ranting myself.I know a good rant when I see one.

So, they have how many women there, out of the thousand something in the greater DFW area?

Yeah, pretty much fuck them if that is their attitude. Originally Posted by Boltfan
My sentiments exactly. It's highly unlikely that I would have attempted a visit but after reading this I know for sure it will never happen.
They are plenty others that will like ur money
corona's Avatar
Agree. This BS policy (especially after they canceled on you with no repercussions or make-good), video recording their clients, closing service to new clients, limited services for a high price, high turnover. I'm kinda shocked they're still open.
Mojojo's Avatar

edit: FWIW, having someone on their end cancel an appointment isn't quite the same as you cancelling yours. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
How is this any different? If you've hobbied long enough you know this is just something thats expected to happen at one point in time. If you're a studio/establishment you have to expect this to happen even more so than an independent.

I could see a small cancellation fee for a first offense. And banning for chronic problems. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Which is why this would make more sense for an establish. I'm not rooting for either side since we only have John's side here. We maybe missing some other facts who knows but I would agree that running a business with an iron fist especially in this line of work is probably not the best concept.
banning a repeat customer for that?must have been a slow day for them
How is this any different? If you've hobbied long enough you know this is just something thats expected to happen at one point in time. If you're a studio/establishment you have to expect this to happen even more so than an independent.

Which is why this would make more sense for an establish. I'm not rooting for either side since we only have John's side here. We maybe missing some other facts who knows but I would agree that running a business with an iron fist especially in this line of work is probably not the best concept. Originally Posted by Mojojo
For one thing, I have the texts to prove it. Secondly, if I was lying or couldn't prove that I wasn't lying, you bet your ass Kendra would be in here talking shit.