Phone Records Shows Fani Willis and Nathan Wade Committed Purgery.

I know, I miss spelled Perjury in the title.

This is huge. These two better lawyer up.
adav8s28's Avatar

I know, I miss spelled Perjury in the title.

This is huge. These two better lawyer up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, this is NOT huge. Yes, he said it was 10 trips instead of 35. That is a good size variance. However, it's not like he said he never made any trips there. I don't think he will need O.J. Simpson's dream team to defend him on this. Breitbart does not have much with this.

I do feel that Fani Willis should step aside so the case can be assigned to someone else quickly. If she stays on and judge rules against her, then you will have a long delay which will favor Trump.
VitaMan's Avatar
Nobody cares.

Fani is not a candidate for president.
oilfieldace's Avatar
No but she is sworn to uphold the law and constitution, don’t you think.
adav8s28's Avatar
Nobody cares.

Fani is not a candidate for president. Originally Posted by VitaMan
If the judge rules against Fani, the case could be delayed for months before it's assigned to someone else. Any long delays would favor Trump.
Nobody cares.

Fani is not a candidate for president. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Thank God.
adav8s28's Avatar
Thank God. Originally Posted by Levianon17
What about Kamala Harris, you okay with her? I can see you don't like Fani. Fani is a good lawyer who had a little slip up.
eyecu2's Avatar
Fani is important as a cloudy day. And removing her, or wade won't mean jack squat when it comes down the the case against 45. I think anyone can get caught in either the perjury trap, or the I don't recall, universal get out of answering card. If the spirit of the law is broken, then there would be an issue. But to my understanding, she has done non of that- and while you may disagree, this is merely another case of accuse the accusers.

Trump Lawyer, Roman is the person behind filing this complaint,- and is an expert at opposition research. Hence the situation-

Dig up some dirt, and put out some smoke- and hope that ppl forget the real reason Fani and Wade are in the spotlight.

They are there to prosecute the guy who tried to steal an election.

Any distortion of that reason is simply that. If she said she smoked 2 packs of cigs a day or liked to suck dick on the right side of the bed, vs. the left side,...and the defense uncovered a difference to those facts, would that also be perjury?

I don't think she's saying she didnt' fuck Wade, or go on trips. She's literally said that all happened. Seems the folks who are pissed are more upset that she hired a guy she ended up fucking- and they are hanging a hat on that - suggesting that in some way, workplace affairs are illegal, and that if you go on a trip, chivalry or dutch treat has to be proven. Fuck off with that noise.

She's allowed to get her nut just like everyone else on this board is. Asking her for receipts for the payment, would be like one of you asking me for the receipt of going to the local jack shack, or pro-ho ,and submitting my expense report. That's laughable, and unrealistic at best.

Perjury about what exactly!? a phone record simply indicates a call. You don't know what the convo was about, or it's content, or plan etc. Last time I checked, the 1st amendment covers freedom of speech and you can call anyone you got that is willing to talk with you, and vice versa. It's just more nothing-burger to chew on.
What about Kamala Harris, you okay with her? I can see you don't like Fani. Fani is a good lawyer who had a little slip up. Originally Posted by adav8s28

It's not a slip up. A slip up is a typographical error. Fani is an unethical piece of shit and so is Kamala Harris. I am not impressed with none of these people.
It's not a slip up. A slip up is a typographical error. Fani is an unethical piece of shit and so is Kamala Harris. I am not impressed with none of these people. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I could not have said it better.

There are rumors that Trump’s lawyers already had the phone records and gave her and her Fuck Buddy ample opportunity to lie under oathe.

Which the did.
Phone records do not mean acquittal dah
This is so huge that nobody gives a fck except itty-bitty faux news and their mega nuts
oilfieldace's Avatar

I know, I miss spelled Perjury in the title.

This is huge. These two better lawyer up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
She is a fucking low bred democrat, doesn’t matter to liberals what the bitch did,

I know, I miss spelled Perjury in the title.

This is huge. These two better lawyer up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
... Actually, mate... You spelled it well-on in the title.

"Purgery" - THAT is what Fani and Nathan did.
As they surely will be PURGED from the case.

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
She is a fucking low bred democrat, ......... Originally Posted by oilfieldace
She went to a better law school than former V.P. Mike Pence. It's 50/50 if she gets removed from the case. It's Trump who is on trial here not Fani W.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I think the lady should withdraw ASAP. Trump only had one way to delay his inevitable slaughter and this woman served it up to his sorry ass lawyers on a silver platter. She knew she had to have clean hands in this case, yet she was arrogant enough to come in with dirty hands and think that would not affect the case.

I have nothing but respect for the lady but in this particular case, her judgment sucked. Trump's lawyers want to string this process along as long as they can. If she cares about truly holding Trump accountable for his crimes, she needs to step aside and take Mr. Wade with her IMO.

Make no mistake about it though, you Trump lovers tend to conveniently forget who the fuck is really on trial in GA.