Alert!! Angry Rooster on the loose!

notanewbie's Avatar
Moderation in all things

Join Date: Jan 8, 2010
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 2,107
Reviews: 11


Does ANYONE here pay attention to ANYTHING that I have said in "Alerts" over the past two years?


This shit is over, I promise you. The only reason this happens at all is that when I travel for business I often cannot log onto the board and catch this stuff early. Well.....guess what, bitches? I've finally gotten with the technology and have a way to get online privately when I am out and about. And I will be much more diligent with this crap from this point forward. I ask the other Mods to do so too.

10 of you assholes are getting a warning for this stupid piece of shit thread. Check your PM's and don't be surprised.

Think I am pissed off? Think I am being a jerk? I don't fucking care! Stay relevant in this section or I will sanction you. No more warnings.

This thread is closed.
not sure if that is showing moderation or anything at all mod like other than moderate intelligence.

So take note you "bitches" someone is angry and not taking this shit from you "assholes"


no need to check your pm's you asshole bitches, sonofabitch.
Guest042416's Avatar
John Boneher's Avatar
If rooster just used his employer's laptop to access eccie while he's traveling, he'd have been more timely with "moderating". Not to mention he'd keep his blood pressure down. Fuck!
Guest042416's Avatar
he had enough and just went about it the wrong way, but hes right.

Other areas of the board have more tolerance and let people go at it, upset ny not so much.
But rules are the rules and he wanted to bend them so people above get upset and take away the priviliges no big deal, rooster will miss the free pussy , now he has to pay
wink wink
QC's Avatar
  • QC
  • 02-02-2014, 09:11 PM
rooster will miss the free pussy , now he has to pay wink wink Originally Posted by bjwstw
Now, that is funny!

Fact is, he frequently executed irrational decisions when he lost his ability to "moderate" by way of a temper tantrum.
wantsome's Avatar
I guess it's tough to moderate Jr. high school.
John Boneher's Avatar
Yuk Yuk.

We need to change some rules around here. First order of business is to not have mods do reviews. Like I said, it's like the referees playing in the Super Bowl. Ludicrous conflict of interest in any other realm.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Yuk Yuk.

We need to change some rules around here. First order of business is to not have mods do reviews. Like I said, it's like the referees playing in the Super Bowl. Ludicrous conflict of interest in any other realm. Originally Posted by John Boneher
Disagree; self policing board, unpaid Mods. Who wants a Mod that isn't an active John? We're all after pussy and info on such, the only way to eliminate their conflict would be castration.

This is an alert thread, please keep commentary to pertinent topics.
dearhunter's Avatar
If modtards would do the simple things without an attitude, most of this shit would never reach a meltdown level.

Take this thread for it a true alert?

If the answer is "no", letting it set here for weeks acts as a message to hobbyists that confuses them as to the intent of the Alert Forum.

That doesn't mean a modtard gets all indignant that a fucktard posted a non-alert in the Alert Forum.......locking the thread and issuing points. He simply moves it to the appropriate forum with a comment that he did so.

If it is hobby related, it goes to Coed........if it is not hobby related, it goes to the Sandbox.......although, the case could be made here (because it involves modtards) it should go to the Questions for Staff Forum (as it is bound to create questions for staff).

Modtarding becomes difficult. Because modtards make it difficult. Then, modtards become something other than what they are asked to be.

There is a leadership style at play. It is one of extremes. A modtard demands a certain behavior (a demand that is doomed to failure) and watches his demand go ignored. He finally gets fed up enough to reek justice (misguided vengeance) on the few in front of the many.

He has no understanding of the multiple layered chilling effect this has on the local community.......or, he does and does not care.

A good modtard is unseen in his moderating, he quietly moves through a forum gently nudging threads back on topic. He sets aside his personal opinions about drama and trolling (they are not against the rules). He considers every day he does not lock a thread as a day in the win column. When he does have to lock a thread, he does it knowing it is due to his failure. He warns often and rarely issues points.

He does not have to give up his voice as a participant in the community. But, he does understand that he must separate his actions as a modtard from his board persona. He does not discuss PMs made to the community in his capacity as a modtard (no matter what they say in open forum).

He sits in the shadows as a modtard and waits for his free pussy.
notanewbie's Avatar
brutusbluto's Avatar
No need to rehash over this, let it die
dearhunter's Avatar
"need" usually has nothing to do with it.........ijs
notanewbie's Avatar
wait, what?! I thought this was a thread....wha happen?
dearhunter's Avatar
Congratulations NaN........your threAD has reached "cud" status in record time.

That may well be "alert" worthy.
boardman's Avatar

How long has he been a Modtard?