Death of a provider

txdeejay's Avatar
I heard about this through a hobbying friend who sent me the link to the article. I know she occasionally posted on BP in El Paso and was also on P411. RIP, Olivia Secrets.
I have read many of the articles on her death...this one has to be the most tasteless one!!! I knew her and although we we weren't friends, etc, it's still so sad that she is gone

On a different note, the "writer" of that story is a douche for that article! What relevance was her "occupation" in all this?? Ok, the accident could've been prevented had she made better chocies that day but that is neither here nor there anymore..she is gone and to continue to smear and salt the wound for those close to her. Disgusting!

And I second, RIP, Olivia

@txdeejay , it's been awhile
Twain's Avatar
  • Twain
  • 01-11-2011, 09:01 PM
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ms Ashton, you always have the right words!
Ms Ashton, you always have the right words! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Awww thanks, babe

I just get ticked when people sit on their "self made" pedestals of "cough cough bullshit" self righteous and judge others and cast those stones when they should be looking in the mirror!!

Jerkoff probably is pissed he could've never landed a girl like Olivia hobby or otherwise in his mierable spew vomit as "writing" in his miserable life!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Awww thanks, babe

I just get ticked when people sit on their "self made" pedestals of "cough cough bullshit" self righteous and judge others and cast those stones when they should be looking in the mirror!!

Jerkoff probably is pissed he could've landed a girl like Olivia hobby or otherwise in his mierable spew vomit as "writing" in his miserable life! Originally Posted by AshleyAshton
I'm right there with you!
On another note, I requested that Admin retire her profile here.
what a horrible article her escorting had nothing to so wth her accident their is no reason to bring it up , The girl died does it really matter her weight was off jesus !!!! It is a sad story I can't stand how media has to criticize escorts dancers it is not fair .
And the article in question was over two weeks after the accident. The "journalist" should question why he thought this was important for Olivia's family to know, because noone else really cared. As a "journalist" would he have gone to their house and informed them of her advertisement before he published the story? If they knew, who else cared, and if they didn't they should have had the opportunity to comment before it was published since it was past the funeral. What a piece of......
Mikeznice's Avatar
Pathetic what passes for journalism today. He was smiling the whole time he was downloading the pics and writing the story. He probably wrote it while sitting in his basement naked. THIS is why nobody trusts a reporter to do the right thing anymore. Total and complete lack of class.
artist3000's Avatar
It's a terrible thing to exploit the dead and this kind of yellow journalism is certainly doing that.

However...there is another side to this coin...

Olivia was apparently drunk and driving 100 mph in the wrong direction. This extremely reckless action cost her passenger her life, and has hospitalized an innocent 19 year woman in critical condition.

When people see a tragedy like this they wonder why did it happen? What was wrong with that driver that she would make a choice like that. It's well established by those that study these things that sex workers have more chaotic lives than the norm and have addiction problems beyond the norm.

If Olivia herself had been her only victim perhaps those looking in would be less harsh. But for those seeing innocent victims and grasping to understand this kind of tragedy Olivia's chosen profession might seem related to her irresponsible behavior.

I mean no disrespect. But if future tragedies are to be avoided we need to see this for what it is.
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
Very good post artist3000.
hottoddy56's Avatar
Very good post artist3000. Originally Posted by Three Piece Chicken Dinne
Okay gang, been doin' some homework. If you click on the link the TXDEEJAY provided to www.sfreporter dot com to pull up the questionable article, you will see that the story is written by Wren Abbott. If you scroll down, you will see a bunch of folks left comments attacking the reporter for relevance. Now, if you click on that name in red under the article headline, you will see another article where the reporter justifying his/her interest in Olivia's profession because law enforcement considers it a factor in their investigation. They are still trying to find out what substances and how much was consumed by the two. The original story that I saw that listed their real names was by Geoff Grammer who is the crime reporter for the Santa Fe New Mexican. The article was on his blog, I have a relative in northern New Mexico who is close to Grammer, so I had her ask him why Olivia's profession was necessary. The answer was that, indeed, the profession of both is significant in the investigation because there is evidence that both had been party to a "party" where the client provided quite a lot of booze, forbidden subjects. And, as you can see from the second Abbott article, there is also some question as to the responsibility of the bar(s) that served them.

Not sure that I have an opinion yet, just wanted to pass on the info.
This one is non-negotiable, I know its relevant but let the links tell the specifics, CC
01Rickey's Avatar
This is a sad story on all accounts. May Olivia RIP.

Something to think about. Cell phones & laptops carry alot of information these days. The timing of this disgusting article comes at the same time it was posted on this website. Did it originate from here or the same source that was posted here? IMHO the tasteless article & photos was for his benefit, not breaking news or info the public really needs to know.

She chose a lifestyle. Whether it was full-time, part-time or UTR. It looks like LE is trying to determine whether she chose her actions of the evening in question. I just hope they are concerned about her, probably not, and not just looking for another notch in the belt the way the reporter is doing.

Yes, there are times when we let our guard down, be safe.

Again - OLIVIA may you RIP
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The event was discussed on multiple websites. You may have a point as to to specific identification between real life and her hobby persona coming from the boards. In any event, the author was merely trying to sensationalize the tragic event.