
Hunteradventurer's Avatar
I just received a request from a provider acquaintance about a trip too Hawaii and where I thought she might advertise. ECCIE doesn’t too seem too be very popular in Hawaii and I don’t have my P411 anymore so not sure if that is a viable option either. Anyone have any suggestions she might utilize for a working vacation of sourts would be appreciated I’m sure.
I travel to Hawaii a couple of times a year for business. The hobby exists in Hawaii but outside of Honolulu it's a tough market. There is quite the AMP scene and on Kuhio Ave there is the street scene.

Hawaii is super touristy and the majority of people who come thru HLN are with a family, or paired up romantically.
If you want hobby life, stay on Oahu (Honolulu, Waikiki). There is very little hobby life on the other islands. There is no eccie presence for Hawaii. You’ll see providers on other sites, but often the ads are incorrect or the provider went back to the mainland. PM for more details.