Hot vs Crazy

Daktari's Avatar
An interesting way of explaining these concepts,
Blckpr's Avatar
Funny but true
My Unicorn is my ATF but she vanished after an hour or so.
Pbbt. There are way more normal, relatively sane, attractive girls out there than you think.

The key is to find the crazy you like. For example, I have a fear of commitment and have internalized the ideals of women in the fifties. So I will cook, clean, pamper my SO, not inquire into their personal affairs and try my outmost to be a gracious hostess when their friends inevitably start spending all their free time in his man cave. Then they fuck it all up by doing what I expressly tell them not to and propose.

I get scared and break up with them. They cry. I start to hate them for being overly emotional. One day I'll find the commitment phobic man that will make a honest woman out of me and I'll make sure to move out periodically to avoid common law marriage.
An interesting way of explaining these concepts, Originally Posted by Daktari
How about the stupid ones that believe in you..take care of you.
Give their life to you..but still are not good enough?
That naively take care of the households, kids, have their
Entire life attach to us..sssstill not good enough..
Maybe crazy is for me ..and my money well spent in experienced bitched that do not give a shit about mee...