Fake escort personas, blogs, websites

Do EVERYTHING with a cover. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
i had my tongue in my cheek but yeah
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
I've been following the shenanigans for quite some time now, but didn't want to join on the bandwagon. And here I am...

I haven't been in the industry for long, yet felt that the person's modus operandi was so unbecoming. Which in turn makes a gentleman and/or lady much more skeptical than before, as some people really need their mouths muzzled.

Makes me wonder if some people don't have no "life" outside of their computers?!
atlcomedy's Avatar
266 posts
0 reviews

Blame it on Diary of A Call Girl. I have thought about blogging on my site. I'm happily twitter less. Euphemia has a great blog btw.

These fakers are fairly easy to spot and it;s just sad all the way around. How small and sad their life must be. Originally Posted by babee
BTW it was somewhere around 2000 posts on ASPD and 0 reviews

Not doing reviews is not a marker. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
This forum would lose ~1/2 its male contributors if that was the case...

....& the lack of formal, public reviews doesn't mean backchannel vouching/infosharing isn't taking place
John Bull's Avatar
Most experienced mongers have a "spidey sense". Many don't heed it. I suspect that the stated prices of these wannabe's preclude most hobbyists and the hobbyists who can afford it would be most unlikely to see an unproven, unknown girl.
I don't Twitter! In fact, I barely and rarely text. Good for me! I'm safe from these chickadees.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-08-2010, 07:08 PM
the hobbyists who can afford it would be most unlikely to see an unproven, unknown girl. Originally Posted by John Bull
Well that is practically all I see.

The last thing I want to see is a flavor of the month.

Some people are all about the journey and some the destination.

Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. Nothing wrong with either I might add.
I admit that I was pretty much taken in by the blogger you mention. I say pretty much, because while I never directly questioned the validity, there were several times I read posts and my eyebrows raised all the way up to my hairline. And then some. But I just shrugged it off as her having a different outlook, business model, and experiences than I did. Not a rare occurrence!

Regardless, it was always very entertaining to read. Since I was never among the adoring throngs/defenders and didn't bare my soul on the interview website, I don't feel used or abused or anything. Additionally, some of what she (he? they? it?) posted was well researched, accurate, and positive (such as the activism promotion posts). And that erotic photos tumblr was hotttttt. Six "t"s hot ain't nothin'.

The photo theft, however, was very wrong, and the lady she stole them from deserves an apology.

I do think it's funny/sad that, even when completely exposed as a fraud, the author continued to maintain innocence instead of bowing out gracefully.
Not doing reviews is not a marker. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

Word...plus...how naive was that.

Off track but the other day I was with a favorite of mine, I know for a fact that she is pretty low volume lady, by whatever standards is normal, but I would say 2 to 3 week, she's been in the business 1-1/2 years estimated, her comment to me was "I bet you have seen as many providers as I have clients" .... I laughed and did not answer........ Now how can that be? I have No REVIEWS!

For the men: do you have the type of radar that many of us providers have, in being able to tell when an escort's website is basically a fake? Do you read blogs and roll your eyes knowing the stories are fabricated? When you read an entry about how to face f&ck the "right" way, does this not raise a red flag for you? Do you even care? Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
Well to sum it up, at times I have been caught with my britches down, but that was when I was younger and full of vinegar, just naive in that period of knowing more than my parents ... but now as a life full of experiences (good and bad) I have the radar to see the majority of BS assortments of this nature. Its sort of like having the ability to see some one (female) in a short period of time and being able to figure out if she will P4P or not. Sort of the same as you ladies having the sense if a guy that you just met would be a player of the game or not, the odds are high that you are probably correct. What is the saying..."Practice makes Perfect" Experience gives you truth?
discreetgent's Avatar
BTW it tooks about 5 minutes on google and following one or two links to figure out who the blogger Lynette is referring to; I won't post it out of deference to the thread starter but the secrecy here is overblown.
LynetteMarie's Avatar
BTW it tooks about 5 minutes on google and following one or two links to figure out who the blogger Lynette is referring to; I won't post it out of deference to the thread starter but the secrecy here is overblown. Originally Posted by discreetgent
No intent for secrecy on withholding "her" name. I simply did not want to give "her" any more attention than "she's" already received, especially if "she's" just in it to make money off the legitimate providers.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-09-2010, 06:27 AM

For the men: do you have the type of radar that many of us providers have, in being able to tell when an escort's website is basically a fake? Do you read blogs and roll your eyes knowing the stories are fabricated? When you read an entry about how to face f&ck the "right" way, does this not raise a red flag for you? Do you even care?

Lynette Originally Posted by LynetteMarie

Most of us think we are above average in spotting fakes.

Research suggest otherwise.

Think about it, people marry and then find out the person they married are not who they thought they were. This industry could be argued as a side shot of that misread.

I find a web-site like a University. Reading their fancy brochure can be quite misleading. You can spend a pile of $$ on a degree from hell.

So my answer is you never know. Not very helpful, I know.
"I bet you have seen as many providers as I have clients" .... I laughed and did not answer........ Now how can that be? I have No REVIEWS! Originally Posted by Woody of TX
She was fishing????
I admit that I was pretty much taken in by the blogger you mention. I say pretty much, because while I never directly questioned the validity, there were several times I read posts and my eyebrows raised all the way up to my hairline. And then some. But I just shrugged it off as her having a different outlook, business model, and experiences than I did. Not a rare occurrence!

Regardless, it was always very entertaining to read. Since I was never among the adoring throngs/defenders and didn't bare my soul on the interview website, I don't feel used or abused or anything. Additionally, some of what she (he? they? it?) posted was well researched, accurate, and positive (such as the activism promotion posts). And that erotic photos tumblr was hotttttt. Six "t"s hot ain't nothin'.

The photo theft, however, was very wrong, and the lady she stole them from deserves an apology.

I do think it's funny/sad that, even when completely exposed as a fraud, the author continued to maintain innocence instead of bowing out gracefully. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
I don't think she's talking about that fake escort/blogger...
Carrie is correct. The blogger/twit(erer) that LM was referring to seemed to think she was keeping a diary for a real princess.

And Carrie, those tumblr pictures are hotttttt!
Rudyard K's Avatar
For the men: do you have the type of radar that many of us providers have, in being able to tell when an escort's website is basically a fake? Do you read blogs and roll your eyes knowing the stories are fabricated? When you read an entry about how to face f&ck the "right" way, does this not raise a red flag for you? Do you even care? Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
Frankly, I don't have time to read much on blogs. Sometimes I have watched a gal for a long time from afar, and then approached after some period of time. Other's I have seen pretty quick after hearing about.

But hearing of some escapade or acts is never gonna be a "enticer" to me. I haven't been burned in a long time with that system. Then again, maybe I don't build up my expecatations so high that they can't be acheived. After all, we are all just regular folks....well, except for Woody...that guy is a nutcase. (I just decided it was your day to be picked on buddy...lol)