Rent due early?

Did rent come due early this month?
Nine girls advertising in weekly updates since 9am this morning....
Lol...they still dont answer!
Ummmm, errrrr, fell asleep, phone died. Etc
Maybe they saw the PGA signs up around town as well!?!?
obnoxiousram's Avatar
Holy smoke Paulie nailed that on the head. I have noticed a upward trend on tree shaking in the last week.
obnoxiousram's Avatar
And Monday for upset New York ends with a whopping 10 in the weekly updates.
oklib's Avatar
  • oklib
  • 05-21-2019, 07:35 AM
Looking for A HOLE IN ONE LOL
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Holiday weekend coming
Missburger's Avatar
Hooker math
Warm weather brings out the streetwalkers with lower rates
Holiday weekend coming Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Ding Ding Ding.

Correct, Sir!
Is that why it's been so Vermont like in here lately???
obnoxiousram's Avatar
Cook out weekend coming up with the rent due at the end of the week on top of that. I wonder how many girls here host a block party?
That explains the, "I miss you" texts!

Unless, they really miss me
That explains the, "I miss you" texts!

Unless, they really miss me Originally Posted by Notuagain
No way!!

Holiday weekend coming Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Probably most clients are too busy this time of the year, seeing your son/daughter graduate college takes precedence, well most of the time.

Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone!