Memorial Day

Just wanted to wish everyone an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. A very special thanks to all the veterans out there and their families for the sacrifices you make for the rest of us.

I challenge anyone out there if you see or run into a veteran this weekend to thank them for their service. I have already run into a few at Wegmans and Tim Hortons and thanked them by taking care of their bill. While that is not necessary you would be amazed what a simple thank you will do for them. It is the least we can do for them. Have fun, stay safe, and make as much fireworks as you can!
sin.di.vine's Avatar
I absolutely always say thank you..
Or a simple smile.. with a hand shake..

Very much appreciated..

Thank you for this reminder tbear!
Great call for this thread..
And also I thank you!!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Memorial Day is for dead veterans. The ones that are still alive can wait until Veterans Day for people to pretend to give a shit about them.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Put more dog shit in your cherrios tomorrow..
Kill joy.. how old are you ?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Put more dog shit in your cherrios tomorrow..
Kill joy.. how old are you ? Originally Posted by sin.di.vine
None of your business, whore.

Sorry I don't run around shaking hands or pretending to be indebted to federal government employees.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
None of my business ?
Whos business is it ?, since you posted a thread?
You just can't help your rude self..
Shaking your every so stupid paws..pooh bear !!!..
So very manly .. but yet it makes you funny
With an avator like that. Pooh bear..lolol
Next Best Thing's Avatar
None of my business ?
Whos business is it ?, since you posted a thread?
You just can't help your rude self..
Shaking your every so stupid paws..pooh bear !!!..
So very manly .. but yet it makes you funny
With an avator like that. Pooh bear..lolol Originally Posted by sin.di.vine
You asked me how old I am, I told you none of your business.

Don't like my avatar? Odd.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
The aviator is excepted.. as long as your mommy approved..
Norman would have better tho.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The aviator is excepted.. as long as your mommy approved..
Norman would have better tho. Originally Posted by sin.di.vine
The aviator?

My mother is dead, thank you.

Any more insensitive remarks you would like to get off your chest at the moment?
sin.di.vine's Avatar
My mother's died too..
Soo dont pull that card on me..
Your rude ..disrespectful... and disrespected by many..
But you choose that.. not from your mother.. from you.
You think your funny.. and your one of those that consider your nasty comments funny to this board. When you are not.. your nickname here is douche bag pooh bear.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
My mother's died too..
Soo dont pull that card on me..
Your rude ..disrespectful... and disrespected by many..
But you choose that.. not from your mother.. from you.
You think your funny.. and your one of those that consider your nasty comments funny to this board. When you are not.. your nickname here is douche bag pooh bear. Originally Posted by sin.di.vine
Now with the name calling.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Have you looked at your post? Check it out..
Not quite a turn on...pooh.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Have you looked at your post? Check it out..
Not quite a turn on...pooh. Originally Posted by sin.di.vine
Which one.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Lol..ALL of them!!
You sound like...well pooh bear.. which alot of women have as an ankle tattoos women!!
You and your comments.. make me embarrassed to be a member of this site.. your jackass.. and women set up meeting with you!!??
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Sometimes they do, but quite a few of those times they have no idea that it's me.

I actually have reasonable manners. For example I still haven't made a single remark about your sentence structure or your spelling.

So I'm not your type?