Pet Peeves

So I wanted to rant about a “pet peeve” I have. I know that none of us are perfect, myself included. I was going to post this in the “Men’s Lounge” Forum, then I decided that if a constructive discussion was started here in the “Coed Discussions”, perhaps some people might realize it may pertain to them and change things up! I am interested to find out other peeves that can be shared as well!
It bothers the hell out of me when I get to a provider’s dark, closed off room and it reeks of stale cigarettes. The stench gets into your clothes and even your skin. I am not your daddy or your boyfriend! I really do not give a shit if you smoke! I do care that I have to leave with the smell lingering on my clothes and body. It may be hard for some guys to explain why they are not smokers, but them or their clothes smell! It is not like we can use the excuse that we stopped at a smoky bar or some at work was smoking… smoking isn’t allowed anywhere public anymore!
In past experiences I have met several FANTASTIC girls that I will not repeat visits with for this simple reason. Is it an unreasonable to expect a provider to have opened a window, light a candle, spray an air freshener? REALLY! I have heard that having the shower running when smoking in a bathroom can help drastically! I am trying to express “customer service”. I already know that some will want to reply with thing such as “If you don’t like it, don’t visit them!” if so, you are missing the point.
I agree with you Jon.

One that I have is about time schedules. Unless otherwise stated, I assume a 1 pm appoint is plus or minus 10 minutes. In other words, I should be able to show up 10 minutes early or 10 minutes late and still be considered on time. The provider should be ready 10 minutes ahead of time as well.
Don't know where to start on this, but will limit it to just one. A inconsiderate provider who wastes your time via a NCNS or limiting the menu because of mother nature and doesn't let you know before the appointment or before the cash leaves the billfold.

I understand the smoking thing. I used to smoke at my previous incall and have since stopped smoking in the house. I cut down my smoking period. I can tell a HUGE difference between now and then.......and I like the now. I love having my house smell of lavender or a great smelling yankee candle.


I myself love it when my client is right on time. If you schedule with me for 1pm, I will expect you at my door at 1pm. If the client plans on being late which is anything past the 1pm, I do expect a phone call or text letting me know. Being on time is just that, showing up at the expected time, nothing more, nothing less.

My pet peeves:

1. Providers who don't give references
2. Clients who don't give their references a heads up that they're using them as such.
3. Clients who NCNS and then act like nothing happened.
4. Clients who do not freshen up before coming to see me. Sorry, but I do NOT like skid marks on my clean sheets.
5. People who do not know the meaning of discretion.

I'm sure I'll think of a few more later.
Sorry Elena, thought that I washed my ass that month and didn't mean to leave a shit stain on the playground, lol. Guess it's an unearned Dirty Sanchez of a different sort. It's amazing sometimes, isn't it.

My point with the time is that it is hard with traffic driving in Omaha to be somewhere exactly on time. To me, 10 minutes on either side allows for this fact, and lets me get out of the car right away and make things look normal.
kendra kayy's Avatar
4. Clients who do not freshen up before coming to see me. Sorry, but I do NOT like skid marks on my clean sheets. Originally Posted by MsElena
Amen to that!!! That is seriously the grossest thing EVER!!!!!!! owe me a sheet. Bring it over ASAP.

FS....Gotcha doll.

KK....oh girl, don't get me started. That's NOT a good way to start my morning.
Erwin M Fletcher's Avatar
Girls who flip out when you want to use them as a reference to see another girl.
Girls who wont accept a reference from another girl because she isnt well known or in her league.
Girls who dont smell fresh down there.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
This feels like Festivus with the airing of grievances, LOL!

Here are mine:

1) I realize the providers I see also see other clients, in some cases many cients. And I realize there is a possibility that a provider may have seen another client just prior to seeing me. But don't tell me that! When booking an appointment I don't want to hear "I'm sorry but I'm seeing another client from 12:30 until 1:00. But I can see you at 1:15. Does that work for you?" Even though Mr. Happy will be wrapped up, I still don't want to feel like I'm getting sloppy seconds!

2) Don't wait until I arrive for my appointment to tell me your Aunt Flo will be joining us. Enough said.
Showing up at the location and it smells of cat piss...

Showing up at the location and there are used wrappers everywhere...

Showing up at the location and it looks worse than my frat house room when I was in college...

This was all one provider BTW.

Told I can't shower or use the restroom...

You are 5 inches shorter, 50 pounds heavier, and different hair color and skin tone than your picture...

Your idea of GFE is farting in front of me...

Your idea of DFK is reminiscent of kissing my sister...

Your idea of FS is getting me home faster than a cabbie in Vegas...

Asking me if I brought protection, hell yes, I have a .45 in the glove box...

Booking a room at any Motel 6...

And last but not least, giving me a hickey, explain that when you are 40...
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
OMG Elena I wish I hadn't read that while eating lunch!

Come on guys, that's disgusting! Put some soap in your hand, reach back there and clean it out!
4. Clients who do not freshen up before coming to see me. Sorry, but I do NOT like skid marks on my clean sheets. Originally Posted by MsElena
Chrisrd, funny shit there. The worse thing is, believe I know which provider you are talking about.
WOW.....I'd like to address one peeve that Fletcher has.

A lot of established ladies won't take references from unknown gals because its hard to determine who is legit and who isn't. I know several ladies who screen the way I do and I screen the ladies as much as I do with guys.

Its not that anyone thinks the unknowns are out of our league, its just a matter of safety. I know that concept might be hard to understand, but its much easier if you ask us instead of assuming.

Chris......I have no words for your peeves except....damn, sorry.

Husker......that happens more than one would think.

Here's another peeve.....If you go pee before you see me, wash off your dick because as much as I love to suck dick, I hate the taste of urine.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
Skid marks? Really? I haven't had one of those since I was 13 maybe 14. My mom taught me how do my own laudry and have been doing so ever since, so I know.