M&G Date

The date has been set, March 29th. Its a Thursday evening and I will start opening the door at 5:30pm.

Remember, this is a social and there are a few rules to follow:

1. Casual dress
2. NO discussion of money, dates, illegal activities, etc.
3. Do not bring anyone that has not been screened by me.

The location is set, it will NOT be given out until the afternoon of the M&G. You will have to call me (do NOT text) for that info when you're on your way.

I just got done sending out PM's to the guys who had sent me PM's requesting their presence. If you haven't sent your info to me, you still have time. I know a few of you posted that you wanted to go, but its your responsibility to send me a PM with your info. I have a lot to do for this.

I do ask that the folks who RSVP for this donate at least $20 towards the cost of the room, food and beer/drinks. I would prefer not to pay for everything.

I will have music there, thank you Ipod.

Any food suggestions or beer choices or any suggestions period, feel free to post them.
I did forget something.

I know the date may not work for some, but for those who do plan on coming.....could you please PM me your RSVP and how much you're able to donate?

Thanks bunches!!
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Out of town SB?
Just to let the guys know, Olivia will be at the M&G too.

Friendly reminder.....those who wish to attend, get me your reference/screening info and RSVP.
For those who haven't sent me their info, please do so by next Monday, March 26th. That'll be the last day I can do screening.

Also, the location will not be given out until the day of. You will need to call me to receive the info. No texts, no emails, only calls.

Since no one has said anything concerning food or drinks, I will just do corona for beer, bottled water, soda and light finger foods/snacks.

Any suggestions on foods or drinks? Speak now or hold your peace.
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snowbeard's Avatar
Out of town SB? Originally Posted by MsElena
No Ms. E. In town, but a bad day. One of these times. . . .