Possible M&G Leak Plugged

There seems to be a lil birdie who think's he knows who is coming to the M&G and he believes its OK to inform his friends that he knows for sure who isn't coming. This lil birdie doesn't know jack. The only person who knows for sure who is attending is me. No one else has a list, not even one of my closest friends.

I posted a list last week of ladies who may or may not be coming. Olivia has already stated that she's coming and she's told a few gents, so that's fine. You will not be disappointed in the ladies who will be attending.

I broke my own rule by putting out there a list of ladies who may or may not show. M&G's are like "Fight Club," you don't talk about it outside.....period. I shall take my punishment at the party.

I ask that no one discusses where it was held, who was in attendance or what happened.

Please know that I would never post a list of gents who may or may not attend.

I do know the word discretion.

Thanks in advance.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Okay...You're Welcome

I'm thinking most of us must have missed out on a bunch of PMs.
The only PM's that were sent over a week ago were the ones saying if you're good to go or not. I checked my list twice, but I could've missed someone.

If someone hasn't received a PM from me, please let me know.

I'm so excited for this one. More guys....more ladies and TAMALES!!

Osolomio's Avatar
Ladies AND Tamales?! Oh lordy! I need to get verified soon!
huskerman23's Avatar
please! can I go???
kendra kayy's Avatar
Bigh1955's Avatar
Osolomio's Avatar
Yay for Ladies' Tamales!

Wait, what?

Get your info to me Osolomio if you wish to come.
Osolomio's Avatar
Elena, please check your PM.