I am unable to attend the upcoming "Meet and Greet" (M&G), and a note about my schedule . . .

I would like to take a moment to offer my apologies, as I will not be able to attend the upcoming "Meet and Greet" (M&G) scheduled for Thursday evening, March 29th.

I have tried everything I can think of to rearrange my schedule for the day to attend - but life has conspired against me, and I find I am obligated to be in Kansas City early evening on the 29th and again early the morning of the 30th, and I can't figure out a way to magically teleport back to Omaha for the time in between - and try as I might, I cannot rearrange the obligations in such a manner as to allow me to attend.

Also, I know many of you have noticed I have been on a bit of a hiatus - I had a family member fall ill, my grandfather in Wisconsin passed away (at 92 after a wonderful and full life) and then the next thing I knew, I turned around and it was already Spring Break with my son . . . it was a perfect storm of a string of issues beyond my control that has kept me away, and for many of you that look forward to my regular trips to Omaha, my apologies.

On a much brighter note - I WILL be returning in the next day or so to "active duty" **giggle** - and I will plan on being in Omaha next week (probably Tuesday and Wednesday if all holds), I will unfortunately have to depart prior to Thursday's gathering.

So, I look forward to seeing many of you privately next week prior to the party, I just can't make the festivities (bummer).

Elena, if you happen to have the tamales ready on Wednesday night, I might drop by and grab one or two for the road! I am so going to miss the TAMALES!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, I'll miss all you guys too - but if you've ever had Elena's tamales, well, you understand.


- Jackie
Bigh1955's Avatar
Jackie - Thanks for the update. We know your a big girl, but we still worry a little sometimes. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. You were a lucky girl to have him around as long as you did. Looking forward to your visit - as always! (I haven't tried Elena's Tamales yet sounds like I'm in for a treat!)

Again, sorry for your loss.

Yes, I will have tamales on Weds. I'm out of town Tues/Weds, but will have them ready to go as soon as I get back in the afternoon. I can save a few for ya.
I'll swing by and chat if I have time on my way out of town Wednesday night if you're back by then, Elena . .

Thanks for the note Bigh! I'll let you know when I have a firm schedule for next week.


- Jackie