One for the Ladies - Funniest/Strangest Request

Bigh1955's Avatar
Saw this question in the national forum. Thought it might be a fun topic here in our own little part of the world.

What is/was the strangest request you ever received from a hobbyist?

No names please. I wouldn't want you confirming to the world what a twisted person I am.
For me to play the role of sub.

huskerguyomaha's Avatar
LMAO you the sub!! A type A personality, control freak bully!

Of course you know I'm joking, darlin'!

For me to play the role of sub.

hahahaha Originally Posted by MsElena
Bigh1955's Avatar
For me to play the role of sub.

hahahaha Originally Posted by MsElena
:surprise :
I think that is more of a face to face story....because....well just because.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar

I think that is more of a face to face story....because....well just because. Originally Posted by Omahaolivia
There is a standing offer (and has been for a number of years as the story/offer has been mentioned by more than one Agency owner and more than a few independent ladies) from a client in Kansas City of $500 to any provider that will defecate in a cast iron frying pan while he observes and allow him to cook it (over an open flame or gas stove) and then sit and watch him consume it without showing any signs of distress - in short, basically, you have to act like you're into what he is doing, urging him on and giving the impression that it makes you excited (sexually) to watch him do this. Myself, I always thought it was just an urban legend - until I met the client (unrelated to this specific request).

He mentioned no one has collected - yet. Although, according to him, many ladies have tried. It seems things begin to break down at the point he begins to enjoy his "delicacy". He mentioned he tips for them trying, but withholds full payment until they make it through to the end under the terms he sets forth and they agree to prior to engaging in the activity.

Any ladies interested can contact me via PM for his information as the offer still stands.

That would be the absolute strangest request I have ever personally encountered, however, more than a few ladies tell stories that make this request seem almost on the "normal" end of the spectrum.


- Jackie
jjchmiel78's Avatar
that just made me want hurl!
that just made me want hurl! Originally Posted by jjchmiel78
Yeah, well, Bigh asked . . . and that's exactly what I did (hurled) when he left my incall after our appointment. He's a prolific hobbyist, more ladies throughout the Midwest than not have probably seen him, he had 35 or 40 okays on P411 (and that was some time ago when I saw him), I'd bet he's up to 75 or more by now if he doesn't purge them off his profile as many guys do . . . he just goes about his business and doesn't make his "fetish" known to everyone.

To him, his asking seemed as normal as a thirsty gentleman requesting a glass of water. It was completely emotionless, just very business-like.

To each their own, I guess. I try not to judge less I be judged in return.

But, it was unusual.

- Jackie
That guy is one sick puppy. I know a gal that would do it for probably half his offering price. For the full amount, who knows what she would do. Melanie, are you reading this?
Melanie ??? I will likely never see a gal named Melanie now....
Melanie ??? I will likely never see a gal named Melanie now.... Originally Posted by schmuckenputz
I would like to meet up with Melanie, one time, just out of the curiosity! I wouldn’t be cooking up any crap though!
Elena... I Dom'd you years ago... but you don't remember.
Olivia... I'm probably right up with you.
cqtnow's Avatar
All I can say is Jackie's request is the winner. And I threw up a little it in my mouth reading it.