Omaha Can Anyone Help!!

Hello Everyone,

Can anyone refer me to a good area to stay in or areas to stay away from?!? Thank You
jjchmiel78's Avatar
For safety stay at least 5 miles or more away from 24th & lake. Downtown has several hotels in safety and with lots to do in walking distance. 72nd and Interstate has easy access to travel by car to see any of the Omaha sites.
I would suggest that anyone who wishes to give her recommendations on hotels do it via PM. That's the way its done in other parts of the board too.

Seeing as there are only 5 hotels off of 72nd and I-80, it wouldn't be hard for LE to find her.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
Granted Elena, but who mentioned anything that would concern LE?
Dress it up any way you want, but it still has the same outcome.
For safety stay at least 5 miles or more away from 24th & lake. Downtown has several hotels in safety and with lots to do in walking distance. 72nd and Interstate has easy access to travel by car to see any of the Omaha sites. Originally Posted by jjchmiel78
You sound like someone that never goes East of 680. 24th & there are any hotels around 24th & Lake. Better stay in Millard so the scary black folk don't get you.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
I have no idea where all the hotels are. I do know a person that worked in the area that shared stories of crimes commited. A search on crime statistics through OPD website confirms the concentration of crime and violent crime in paticular. I made my statement without judgement to any individual or group of people. Do you feel more superior than me because I said something? Do you feel better about yourself addressing me in such a negative tone? Do live in the area and you take neighborhood pride so you are offended by my statement? I can't honestly think of a valid reason to respond in such a way.
5 miles might be a little excessive, but stay away from 24th street, north or south. Longest street in the world.
12blue4u's Avatar
Since there are no hotels in north omaha I am not sure what the deal is or why statement was even made. Well i guess there is one by Creighton. If you were 5 miles from there that would pretty much eliminate anything around the ballpark, midtown and probably downtown. I would look on trip advisor or some other travel site and see what you like for price, amenities and what the reviews are.
  • sethg
  • 03-26-2012, 10:43 PM
Elena, is there ever a time you cannot stay out of something without adding your two cents, I have watched this board for over a year now and no offense you are NOT MOMMY dearest, your opinions are not always needed.

If a hobbyist wants to help a provider with a area, why do you care, you bring up alot about people seeing things on this board and LE, one would think maybe just maybe things with you may not be as they appear and how the hell you know so much or portray to do so.

In closing here in Iowa we do not need your feedback either so keep it where you belong, your last tours here have been shitty, why? Because you are more of a gossip queen then provider.

Have a nice and wonderful night, I cannot wait to see your snappy retort on this one!
Elena, is there ever a time you cannot stay out of something without adding your two cents, I have watched this board for over a year now and no offense you are NOT MOMMY dearest, your opinions are not always needed.

If a hobbyist wants to help a provider with a area, why do you care, you bring up alot about people seeing things on this board and LE, one would think maybe just maybe things with you may not be as they appear and how the hell you know so much or portray to do so.

In closing here in Iowa we do not need your feedback either so keep it where you belong, your last tours here have been shitty, why? Because you are more of a gossip queen then provider.

Have a nice and wonderful night, I cannot wait to see your snappy retort on this one! Originally Posted by sethg


No witty retort, just the facts.

1. I'm sure if you look through the many ISO's that providers have done all over this board, they ask the the info be sent via PM about hotels. Whatever hotel info is put on the board for all to see, I sure wouldn't use those hotels and any smart provider wouldn't.

2. I would hope that a hobbyist helps out a provider, but be smart about it.

3. I gave a piece of advice, no one had to take it. But, I guarantee those who are smart did PM her info as I did.

4. My tours go just fine or else I wouldn't tour. How can you speak on something you have no knowledge of? Unless you're the one who is a provider, answering my phone, booking my appointments and doing my appointments, you have no idea how I do. Just because I don't get reviews posted doesn't mean that my tours are a bust. It just means that I don't like unwanted attention from certain folks and not all the clients I see are ECCIE guys. They could be guys from BP, P411, etc. Where you in my rooms each time I was in DSM?

Explain to me this please, " one would think maybe just maybe things with you may not be as they appear and how the hell you know so much or portray to do so." How the hell I know so much about what? You're pretty vague, say what you mean. If you're accusing me of something, spit it out and don't beat around the bush. I've received numerous emails concerning your statement and how you're hinting around to something.

You came over to the NE forum for a reason, just to cause trouble with me. What, you don't have any other providers to bust on in Iowa?
  • sethg
  • 03-27-2012, 09:07 AM
You make statements do I have anyone to bust in Iowa? Try again, nice retort as I stated and there was not a single fact in it.

Simple, not one post hits this board without your two cents, these posts you always throw up about LE or be safe, how does one know so much to post these as you always do, or chime in on?

As for your tours rest assured it's pretty well dictated your not seeing anyone since you are always on this board chiming in with your thoughts how could you be seeing hobbyists?

In closing, over and over you chime about this and that, why don't you let the providers and hobbyists do their things without all the "EXPERTISE" as you seem to think you have chiming in when you really have none.
Can't we all just get along?
Bigh1955's Avatar
Well...hijacked again! Bravo hobbyistinomaha! I sent Innocent a PM with some recommendations for upscale locations. The rest of you squabblers...go take a time out!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yes we need to stay on topic.

If a member doesn't like another member I suggest you take it elsewhere.