What's your emergency plan?

The paranoia that sometimes runs through my mind when heading into the unknown ...

You're suddenly face-to-face with trouble before, during, or leaving a session ... the kind that starts and ends with p. They want more than your money, they want your life. You anticipate your ass is about to get kicked, or you've been drugged and find yourself bound, kidnapped, ... or worse.

You only option is to talk them down. What's your plan?

Somewhat related:

You get busted during a sting. Who's on your speed dial for your one phone call?
gfejunkie's Avatar
I've had a bad run with this recently. Originally Posted by UtterNonsense

Dude! You need to improve your research technique.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I would never put my emergency plan what to do if someone was trying to hurt me from here because the bad guy could be reading it now and would know what to expect...

if I were to get busted I would say nothing at all.. that's my lawyers job
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 07-11-2015, 10:12 AM
I'm not sure what sort of "plan" you expect people to have if they get drugged, bound, and kidnapped, but I would probably try to call batman. Coincidentally, he's also the person on my speed dial for if I'm arrested; not my lawyer, cause only an idiot calls their lawyer first after getting arrested.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I would probably try to call batman. Coincidentally, he's also the person on my speed dial for if I'm arrested; Originally Posted by Gamer
At your service, sir.
Dude! You need to improve your research technique. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

I have been doing this over 20 years now, Never once put myself in harms way or have been put in harms way.. RESEARCH will eliminate just about all of these worries...
I guess I was asking somewhat hypothetically.

It hasn't happened to me, but others have posted about it happening to them.

It's also been demonstrated that good girls can turn bad under the influence of the wrong people.

Yeah, after that knocking nonsense, I've been wondering what I would have done had that gone down differently.

… as for who is on your speed dial, I meant for legal representation.
I guess I was asking somewhat hypothetically.

It hasn't happened to me, but others have posted about it happening to them.

It's also been demonstrated that good girls can turn bad under the influence of the wrong people.

Yeah, after that knocking nonsense, I've been wondering what I would have done had that gone down differently.

… as for who is on your speed dial, I meant for legal representation. Originally Posted by UtterNonsense
Better call Sal
FIGHT. They're expecting that you're going to think of all the trouble, drama, police, potential injuries, etc. and are going to meekly cooperate. Fuck THAT. If it's their incall, they're going to immediately freak about the management calling the police, etc. and I'll find an opportunity to bolt. If it's at my place....home field advantage. I see the entire area around the door when she knocks, and if he tries to rush when the door's open, he's in for a surprise. If he kicks in the door after she's inside, he's D.E.A.D. If that doesn't constitute "in fear for your life" I don't know what does. Yes, I've thought about this myself quite a bit. And taken precautions. If I really thought he would just take the money and the girl, I'd let him go with it. But too many home invasions go south fast, and I'd rather explain a dead pimp on my floor than someone else explain a dead me in an alley somewhere. I can get out of jail, but not out of a casket.

Wow, I got carried away there, didn't I? lol This is just my take on this. I can't say this is what everyone should do. This is just what I'd do.
Better call Sal Originally Posted by Usual suspects
I never came up with a good one, so I retired.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Open carry.

Treetop78759's Avatar
If it's a matter of paying more money just hand it over. I'm not one to P out but if I was caught off guard and someone tried to car jack me I will turn on the AC and remind him that it needs fuel. It's just not worth it. You can always square up at another time. With that being said, if you are in imminent danger a strike to the Solar Plexus will drop anyone in their tracks. It's easy to lean and is extremely effective. Once they drop don't let your ego step in and give the troll a parting kick to the head. That could get you in serious trouble because it's beyond mutual combat and can kill or cause brain injury. People instinctively go for the face and that can do the job but if you want a guarantee learn it.
Outcall - Don't let him inside but if he makes his way in all bets are off and mutual combat is NA.
Treetop78759's Avatar
If you do get car jacked, your driving and he is in the passenger seat the odds are greatly against you getting out alive. What do you do? There will definitely be a sense of urgency so hopefully you will at least be able to get above 50 to 60 MPH. When you do find something solid like a big ass Oak tree or a concrete pillar and hit it head on. A light pole won't work. You better be wearing a seat belt but the probability of him wearing one is virtually zero and that will mangle or kill him. Even if your vehicle is equipped with airbags because airbags are designed to be used with a seatbelt. You might not make it either but your odds are much greater then doing nothing.
If it's a matter of paying more money just hand it over. I'm not one to P out but if I was caught off guard and someone tried to car jack me I will turn on the AC and remind him that it needs fuel. It's just not worth it. You can always square up at another time. With that being said, if you are in imminent danger a strike to the Solar Plexus will drop anyone in their tracks. It's easy to lean and is extremely effective. Once they drop don't let your ego step in and give the troll a parting kick to the head. That could get you in serious trouble because it's beyond mutual combat and can kill or cause brain injury. People instinctively go for the face and that can do the job but if you want a guarantee learn it.
Outcall - Don't let him inside but if he makes his way in all bets are off and mutual combat is NA. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
If you do get car jacked, your driving and he is in the passenger seat the odds are greatly against you getting out alive. What do you do? There will definitely be a sense of urgency so hopefully you will at least be able to get above 50 to 60 MPH. When you do find something solid like a big ass Oak tree or a concrete pillar and hit it head on. A light pole won't work. You better be wearing a seat belt but the probability of him wearing one is virtually zero and that will mangle or kill him. Even if your vehicle is equipped with airbags because airbags are designed to be used with a seatbelt. You might not make it either but your odds are much greater then doing nothing. Originally Posted by Treetop78759

OK that settles it. I guess I won't be car jacking you. Dammit foiled again.