Ms Athena...

TiCobra's Avatar
Guys I (and I hope all of us) would like to take this time to welcome Ms Athena to Louisiana,you can find out info on her in a post she made in the ISO/Request section
(Ms Athena slurps your way) check her reviews...I know I'll be seeing her...hope you will too!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Thank you for the warm WelCUM TiCobra and I look forward to slurping your sweet Cock next week and enjoying the spicy feedings of the great men of Louisiana!!! Slurp!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
have fun sugar!!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Thanks Dallas, it is a spur of the moment trip, butt when you are craving some spicy cajun what is a girl to do...........butt slurp her some!! YUM!!
Moving to coed