Need a Suggestion from Epic Fantasy Fans

  • Caleb
  • 05-26-2013, 02:35 PM
Got a feeling there are a few of you out there. Looking for a recommendation for my next epic fantasy quest. If you've got a favorite series or author you recommend, please pass it along. Here are several that I have enjoyed:

George R R Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire
Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn Trilogy
Brent Weeks - The Night Angel Trilogy
Robin Hobb - The Farseer Trilogy; The Tawny Man Trilogy
Terry Goodkind - The Sword of Truth

I think Robert Jordan is likely my next source of reading pleasure, but thought I would ask and see what other recommendations come forth.
Adonis's Avatar
I would read Hobb and Martin and skip Goodkind and Jordan unless you have no other alternative. Don't get me wrong, you'll probably like both initially but as both of their series progresses you'll slowly get burned out and let down.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I'd recommend checking out this thread:

I actually would say read the Wheel of Time stuff. Especially now that it's ended, it's still such an integral part of modern fantasy that you're missing out on a large part of the genre by not reading it.

Other ones that are good:

Patrick Rothfuss: The Kingkiller Chronicle (only 2 books out of three out so far)
Jim Butcher: The Dresden Files (a really fun urban fantasy series)
David Eddings: The Belgariad / The Mallorean, The Elenium / The Tamuli. Another classic fantasy writer whose influence can still be seen today.
  • Caleb
  • 05-27-2013, 11:27 AM
I'd recommend checking out this thread:

I actually would say read the Wheel of Time stuff. Especially now that it's ended, it's still such an integral part of modern fantasy that you're missing out on a large part of the genre by not reading it.

Other ones that are good:

Patrick Rothfuss: The Kingkiller Chronicle (only 2 books out of three out so far)
Jim Butcher: The Dresden Files (a really fun urban fantasy series)
David Eddings: The Belgariad / The Mallorean, The Elenium / The Tamuli. Another classic fantasy writer whose influence can still be seen today. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Thanks for the link - guess I need to spend more time in the Diamonds and Tuxedo forum. And thanks for recommending WoT. Given that I'm way too many hours into Martin's incomplete work, I haven't been willing to make the investment in Jordan. I read Sanderson first to make sure I liked his style, given that he had the privilege of finishing the story. I enjoyed Mistborn and Way of Kings ( and now I'm in another storyline that promises not to finish for a decade or more).

I think its time to take the plunge into WoT. What the hell, I've got nothing better to read for the next 3-4 months. Rothfuss may well follow that.
thisguy23's Avatar
If you haven't read Tolkien's the Hobbit you might try the book that started it all, it was written in 1937.
Luthasis's Avatar
George R.R. Martin - Game of Thrones- A Song of Ice and Fire

And I'm not saying that because of the HBO series. Even after reading the latest book, I still don't know who the bad guys are compared to the good guys. Definitely a good read.
jbravo_123's Avatar
George R.R. Martin - Game of Thrones- A Song of Ice and Fire

And I'm not saying that because of the HBO series. Even after reading the latest book, I still don't know who the bad guys are compared to the good guys. Definitely a good read. Originally Posted by Luthasis
I've actually been disappointed by GRRM's last two books, especially Dance given how long we had to wait for it.

Sadly, we'll probably have to wait a long time again given his involvement with the HBO show and well... he's not getting any younger.
  • Caleb
  • 05-27-2013, 07:53 PM
Not getting any younger coupled with the fact that he looks to be one cheeseburger away from a heart attack. So to the very beautiful and capable lady fans on this site (I know at least a couple and am sure there are many more): Stay the hell away from him! :-)
pyramider's Avatar
Nerdapalooza. Where is the taint in all of this?
thisguy23's Avatar
Nerdapalooza. Where is the taint in all of this? Originally Posted by pyramider

The taint is there, sometimes you just have to tickle it just right to get to see it.
jbravo_123's Avatar
With all the sex in the GRRM books, there's got to be some taint in there somewhere.
I've read all of the Sword of Truth series (Goodkind) - ages ago. It was good booktainment.