Trying to find the love in LA on Thursday

Lacey Amour's Avatar
I dont know if I should go to Nola again, BR or another city. Last time I tried BR no one was interested. Whats going on these days? Im out of the loop, has a new agency come along? Lol
SknyDiva's Avatar
Lots of girls passing through. It's slow.
SknyDiva's Avatar
Try Lafayette
Lacey Amour's Avatar
Thanks girl. I was wondering, BR has always been good to me.
myprototype's Avatar
Try Lafayette Originally Posted by SknyDiva

i approve that message
i approve that message Originally Posted by myprototype
Definitely give Lafayette a try!
BR is waiting for you....
DallasRain's Avatar
summer is always slow everywhere.....keep the faith and it gets better soon
SknyDiva's Avatar
See they want you in Lafayette. Show the lady some love guys!
annie@christophers's Avatar
You do wonderful in nola even without me booking..why not give it another shot?? JUST SHOW UP FOR GODS SAKE..LOL xo annie
Basic economics of supply and demand. Supply is high. demand is lower. Try a half our and your
demand will increase.
Wish I would have the time to see Lacey while she is here...

hopefully next time!
Just click on my name and PM me.
You have an open invitation.
Still trying to find the PM yet.
Stay tuned.
Basic economics of supply and demand. Supply is high. demand is lower. Try a half our and your
demand will increase. Originally Posted by Anthony Guido
The 'demand' may increase, but she would have to have more traffic at her location. That is never a good thing.

It's will eventually pick up.

Just my .02!