Hotel Suggestions

Looking for some ideas, a friend has asked me to shoot some new photographs for her.....I am looking for an upscale hotel in the New Orleans/Biloxi area that has rooms with nice natural light and maybe a pool area, have any of you come across a particular place that was photogenic? Any suggestions are appreciated...
DallasRain's Avatar
The Saint is awesome for pics!

have fun
Thanks....Saint would be a good one.
DallasRain's Avatar
I did an outcall room had the "play naughty" coverlet and there were mirrors all over the wall at headboard!
SknyDiva's Avatar
Wow that is nice
DallasRain's Avatar
I want that play naughty coverlet!!!!

down by the elevater they have a fainting couch with a big photography type light behind it
DallasRain's Avatar
I want that play naughty coverlet!!!!

down by the elevater they have a fainting couch with a big photography type light behind it
gimme_that's Avatar
Wow that's sweet. Might take my main chick there.......doubt I would use that for hobbying though.
DallasRain's Avatar
Wow that's sweet. Might take my main chick there.......doubt I would use that for hobbying though. Originally Posted by gimme_that
they do have a cool bar!
$166 a night right now....