In regards to shyturtle5's post that was closed before any comment could be said.

First off, I don't know who you are or where you get off mentioning my name is a thread. Or who you think you are, trying to find out information about me back channeling via PM, asking questions about me on things that are to be kept quiet. Those can be brought to surface with the mods to take a look at. For a man who has never met me, who only has 5 or 6 posts, seems kind of suspicious if ya ask me.

Do not bring my "cute" review into play. I did that because it was expected of me. I had to keep it fair because I am a provider and if I would have really wrote what took place, I would be thrown to the wolves and accused of trying to sabotage another ladies reputation with facts. Only Keri, my boyfriend and I know what happened. There was also a certain picture that was sent to a couple of people asking for advice on what I should do and a wise friend in this hobby told me that I should just chalk it up to the "stupid tax law" or whatever you guys call it when you feel you got taken for an idiot.

I paid $650 for a 90 minute session that only lasted not even a full hour because personal issues were present with Keri. I let her go because she was of no use to me with this issue. I then find something that was distasteful in my eyes left under my bed (which relates back to the picture). Phone rings a little bit later and it is a call stating that Keri's boyfriend had gotten pulled over (I WAS NOT AWARE HE WAS WITH HER) outside of my neighborhood and could I come let the popo know they were at my house. I had been drinking, he'll no I was not going anywhere. So popo followed them back to my house. I was infuriated by all of this. I felt taken advantage of, my safety compromised because a jackass I was unaware of was riding around my neighborhood at a slow pace looking suspicious for an hour and then having police outside my house in the late hours of the night and me having to lie to them so they would let them go home. Hence why I asked did she always let paying customers know her bf was driving her. This behavior was uncalled for, very unsafe.
I am not one to sabotage another (unless another individual is causing harm on me and those I love. In ex, my offspring). Shyturtle, you are prying where you have no business going with the PM's you are sending asking about past matters that have no concern with you. They have been closed and have been dealt with. If you want all means man up and ask me your damn self. Do not put my name is something that has no relevance when you don't have any facts about me to call your own.
What I would like to know is, what is your little fascination with me?
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Closed at Flora's request.