I could use some advice/suggestions

baloo6878's Avatar
I have been recovering from several surgeries in the last few months, and I was wondering if anybody knew of something to help scar tissue heal faster and complete. I am doing pretty good, but it gets irritated easily. I have been using Neosporine, but was hoping somebody knew of something else. Any suggestions would be helpful. Its driving me crazy, and its in a difficult spot to really bandage up and treat. I know one treatment I would like to try when I get the time and $ is head down to NO and get one of MM's masages! Thanks in advance for the help.
I've heard Mederma works well. Here is some info on it: http://www.mederma.com/products/?utm...%20-%20General
neosporin is an antibacterial cream. Unless you're worried about infection, neosporin is a waste of time/money. I think Nicolet has made a good suggestion.
Thank you Baloo6878 ... Any time you are ready I would love to give you one...

Melissa Madyson
baloo6878's Avatar
I have heard of the Mederma, but have heard mixed reviews as to if it really helps. And for Melissa, I will definately be in touch. I just have to find the time where I can disappear for a couple of hours without being noticed.
Hopefully you have good skin genes in your family. My son missed that gene and having a surgery to remove a cancerous mole, he developed a keloid scar.
Maybe rubbing the oil from a vitamin E capsule would help. I hope you find the relief you are looking for. Melissa can certainly help with one type of relief!
baloo6878's Avatar
Thanks Nic. I hadn't thought of the Vitamin E. I will try both of your ideas and hopefully Melissa too.
trekker's Avatar
Once the wound is closed up completely, Neosporin's job is finished.
Baloo, Mederma is hit and miss, but really it is just about the only real thing that will work. Use is reoigiously though, cause occassional use wont do Jack.
Increase your protein intake. The enzymes that promote healing are made from them. If your have had invasive surgery your body treats that as TRAUMA which requires about 2 times your normal protein intake. The registered dietitian at the hospital should have told you that.
Madame X's Avatar
Get well soon!

As far as scar tissue goes, I got this one If the skin is not completely healed, *honey* works wonders and will heal cuts of almost any size without a scar. They sell medical grade honey for this purpose, but I've found that whatever's at the grocery store works just as well for a fraction of the cost. Honey is antiseptic, and the extreme amounts of B vitamins (not just a pun) spur cell growth. Try it... just slather it on generously and cover the wound with saran wrap to keep it from dripping off. I'm a former EMT, and it's amazing seeing people who were previously *wrecked* come up and thank me a few months later

If the skin is already healed (meaning that it is closed and the initial scabs are gone) then cocoa butter works amazingly. they sell cosmetic cocoa butter for an accessible price, but a better grade at a better price is usually available at the Bodega or African food store. It's good for cooking as well. It clears up stubborn stretch marks and scars in a matter of weeks, if you remember to apply it 3 or 4 times a day, every day.

People do like Mederma, but due to the fact that it contains walnuts, it does much more harm than good to people who have nut allergies or sensitivities.
baloo6878's Avatar
Thanks everyone for all the advice. I know about the protien intake and that has been a great help. The wound is mostly closed, but just where it is, it keeps getting little tears in it. I will try the coca butter and Vitamin E
Coconut oil may also help. I use it a lot many different things.
Gentleman10's Avatar
Neosporin is considered basically useless against microbes but it does serve as a barrier protectant/decrease fluid loss.

Bactroban (generic = Mupirocin) one of the better topical antibacterials you can use.

A compounded scar removal/healing/would care cream (but will require a prescription from your doctor) would be your best bet. Here's two links:

General info:


Compounding pharmacy based in Louisiana:


Good luck-

mederma works better then the 40 dollar a tube stuff my doctor sold me!