Question regarding privacy

I went to an AMP recently in Allen, and the masseuse wore her mask the entire time. Should I fear any secret recording of me having been made? Is this a common thing to encounter, or is it a red flag? PM me if you want to know what place I went to. Curious what other people have come across.
I have noticed at a certain sub-amp they use only specific rooms, they will never use the other rooms even though they are typically empty. I have my suspicion that they have cameras in those rooms.
Do you mean, they are choosing to use the room that doesn't have cameras? Or the other way around? Just trying to understand what you mean.
Do you mean, they are choosing to use the room that doesn't have cameras? Or the other way around? Just trying to understand what you mean. Originally Posted by wwarlock439
They use the rooms that have cameras.
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Mask just for health reasons. Remember Covid when we all wore one, or at least most of us that aren’t idiot anti vax flat earther type morons. Yeah you know who I’m taking about, maybe you.
Asian culture uses masks when they have a cold or feeling under the weather because they are considerate of others and not self absorbed like most Americans. Don’t be paranoid cause of mask.
I’ve heard discussions on cameras in rooms but I’m nit buying it. If I’m an owner of place that is being visited for reasons that readers of this site go, I don’t want any evidence of what goes on behind closed doors so I can at least have some plausible deniability.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Not only that, but any whisper that you have cameras trained on guys would kill your business faster than a round of the Clap.

Some guys are so fearful, it's funny reading how suspicious and worried some get. If you really believe a Lady might be recording you from a fucking mask, you should take up knitting and resign from ECCIE.
I have noticed at a certain sub-amp they use only specific rooms, they will never use the other rooms even though they are typically empty. I have my suspicion that they have cameras in those rooms. Originally Posted by TruthSayer
I think they all choose the rooms that's closest to the table shower for a quicker walk. I believe Pearls is the only place that has the showers in the rooms
This place is not very busy, and I've only seen it mentioned once or twice ever on here. So, I figure they'd ultimately make more money posting videos of client encounters. Otherwise, how do they stay afloat? I'm so paranoid about this one visit. Idk why I haven't ever felt bothered this way after visiting other parlors. I appreciate the supportive responses I've gotten, and am ready to take up knitting.
Stressfree1's Avatar
OP, not only are you not being recorded, but you're averaging 0.00 posts per day so your stats aren't being recorded either, lol. Just messing with you. Next time you go here, wear a mask too, it'll freak them out, lol.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
vigilant17's Avatar
Don't be paranoid about this, Tex and Chung are right.
Thanks. Tex and Hog both commented, but I can't see what they said. Anyway, I'm done with all this stuff. Too anxious, and I can't handle it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Thanks. Tex and Hog both commented, but I can't see what they said. Anyway, I'm done with all this stuff. Too anxious, and I can't handle it. Originally Posted by wwarlock439